Dec 29, 2022

case discussion of fibromyalgia with gastritis

Respected vaidyas a 45yr old female patient suffering with fibromyalgia since 5yrs got improved with Ayurvedic treatment
She is presently suffering with severe gastritis
Not able to consume any solid food
She is having only coriander juice, tea twice, milk shake in afternoon
Anything apart from these will cause vomitings and severe epigastric pain associated with bloating
She is Pitta vataja prakriti
Krura kosta
Mutra is normal
Agni is tikshna but can't eat food
Nidra is much disturbed have to take sleep pill daily
Her periods are regular flow will be heavy in one cycle and just spotting in next cycle
Jihwa is nirama
No other health issues
I have given
Kamadudha ras, Sootasekar ras, bilwadi gulika, dhanvantara gulika,dadimastak churna, Yogaraja guggulu in a period of 3months her fibromyalgia pains got reduced but gastric disturbance is not reducing
Recently added pittasekar ras and Nimbamruta eranda taila with which there was no change
Then I gave matravasthi with gandharva hastadi taila,mahanarayana taila and saindhavadi taila combination with shatapushpa starting from 30ml to 90ml  for 5days as she was having severe constipation
With which her stools got cleared and she is feeling better
Now how should I proceed in this case can't give katu pachana dravyas as there is gastritis not even ghrita as she can't tolerate it
Kindly guide with your valuable suggestions 🙏

Can we give matravasthi in samavata conditions if so with which medicines kindly discuss 🙏 thank you

Madhiphal rasayan+Dhatri loha...

Bindu Vedantam Bindu Vedantam:
Dhanyaka himam also works well

Motamarry Harika:
Laja+mishri churnam muhur muhur

Dr.pradp Noori:
As it is a dhatukshayajanya vata and pittavriddhilakhana .
Go for tiktaksheera vasti vata pitta Shamaka rasyanam

Bringaraja Tailm Dr. kashaivasam:
For Gastritis / Amlapittha
Give Avipathikarachurna+ bringraja+ Guduci satva.

Dr.nageswr Gokul:
Kamadudha mukta
Yestimadhu churnam

Hyderabad researchers show Sushruta and Charaka used music to treat coma 2700 years ago

Hyderabad researchers show Sushruta and Charaka used music to treat coma 2700 years ago
HYDERABAD: Researchers from the University of Hyderabad (UoH) have come out with the first-ever evidence from ancient Indian medical texts to show that Sushruta (800 BCE) and Charaka (300 BCE) had utilised music therapy to treat coma patients. While Sushruta, the father of surgery in India, had prescribed music therapy to bring patients out of coma, Charaka had utilised music on patients, who came out of coma, to clear their diffused mental state. Music was used in ancient India also to treat diseases as myriad as infertility and tuberculosis.

All earlier research studies on music and coma in ancient India had limited themselves to theories without proving from ancient medical texts of Sushruta and Charaka how music had worked in waking up coma patients or treating patients recovered from coma. The study by the UoH team is said to be the first research treatise based directly on the evidence of ancient medical texts.
The results of the study were published in the second issue of the 57th volume of the Indian Journal of History of Science (IJHS), a scientific publication by Springer, the Netherlands. The study by Abirlal Gangopadhyay was supervised by Prof JSR Prasad, head of the department of Sanskrit studies, UoH. It was co-supervised by Prof BR Shamanna of the school of medical sciences.

Syed Akbar | TNN | Updated: Nov 4, 2022, 10:19 IST
Credit : times of india
For more details plz click link


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