Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Any idea regarding action of avipattikara in CKD
It is working but samprapthi vigjTan needs analysis
Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:
अविपत्तिकर भैषज्य रत्नावली में आम्लपित्त चिकित्सा में आया है
1.ये पित्त को बाहर निकालनेवाला है
पित्त रक्त धातु का मल है
रक्त मेदो प्रसादात वृक्को।
रक्तगत पित्तको कम करने के बाद रक्त का प्रसादन होता है जो वृक्क को बल देता है
2. इसके फलश्रुति में अम्लपित्त,प्रमेह,मल मूत्र विबंध,अर्श,अग्निमांद्य ये व्याधियां है
अगर इनको देखे तो समज में आता है कि सभी अग्निमांद्य जनित अविपाक के वजह से उत्त्पन व्याधियां है
अम्लपित्त..द्रव गुण वृद्धि...अग्निमांद्य
अग्निमांद्य....अविपाक...विकृत सारकिट्ट विभाजन ...मल मूत्र विबंध
क्लेदबहुल व्याधियां है
मूत्रस्य क्लेद वहनम।
इसलीये अविपत्तिकर पित्त प्रकृती,क्लेदबहुल प्रकृती,प्रमेह उपद्रव वृक्क विकार,लिन पित्त जनीत वृक्क विकरो मे result देता है
आप के अनुभव भी बतयाईए सर
वैद्य दिलखूष तांबोळी
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
I have tried avipattikara tablet in approx. 8 cases all with +ve results.
In one case creatinine was 9.2 and in one week reduced to 5.3 and later to 1.2
always used with punarnava mandoora.
paedal odema and creatine reduce very fast also patient feels better in 2 to 3 days
Idea behind prescription in first case was he had acidity along with head ache, swelling but no difficulty in passing urine with albimin urea
Tried to treat kapha sthana 1st and gave avipatthikara along with mandoora for albimin urea. It worked so repeated in other cases with out much concentration on other tests except creatine and urea in each case.
It worked latest is cardiac bloc with renal function impairment
in five days swelling reduce and difficult in breathing reduced.
Along with above two gave prabhakara vati with mukta
Hope it will benefit others
Swati Totla:
Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:
दारुहेमवतीकुष्ठशताव्हा हिंगुसैंधवै:।
देवदारू वचा कुष्ठ सौंफ हिंगु सैंधव
योग रत्नाकर आद्मान चिकित्सा
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
very effective yoga - result oriented and fast. results show the fastness
Now after your analysis and post result thinking
I can add one line that avipattikara works in साम मल i.e.
Last patient cardiac insufficiency had
स्रोतोरोध –reduced urine and cardiac output 31%
बलभ्रंश -
गौरव –body heaviness due to increased fluid
अनिल मूढताः –ab-distension
आलस्य –in ability to move
अपक्ति -
निष्ठीव –repeated expectoration
मलसङ्ग – mootra and mala reduction, absence of sweat
क्लम – strain without work
Aviapattikara removes sama-mala and creates agni, hrudya with mukta- prabhaka vati, punarnava mandoora – pittasthana –yakrut –rasa ranjana and anuloma.
Without avipattikara removeing sama mala other two would not acted.
All signs and symptom reduced and patient is avoiding cardiac surgery and dialysis.
Don’t ask how cardiac surgery and dialysis can be done together, I don’t know.
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