Apr 15, 2021

hingwashtajachurna vs laghusuthashekara and indukantha kashaya

Dr ND Raju:
*Fresh Banana Leaf For those battling with bedssores*. 
Anyway, since most of us still have elderly loved ones to look after, I would like to share with you the healing properties of banana leaf.
My diabetic dad suffered from one persistent bed sore a few months ago on his sitting bone. 
Just when we thought we have lost the battle, our maid suggested for us to try her kampung method of covering the bedsore with a fresh banana leaf.
Like a miracle, the bedsore started healing within 48 hours and was gone after a week. 
So, if you know of anyone battling with bedsores, maybe recommend them the use of fresh banana leaf.🌱🌱🌱🌱
 For those who want to try, just wash and dry a fresh  fresh banana leaf and place it over a freshly cleaned bedsore".....POST THIS AS MANY ELDERS, FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE. IT MAY HELP SOME ONE ,SOME WHERE, WHO KNOWS🙏🏼

Dr.pradp Noori:
A pt came to dr chotu with complaints of 2 loose motions from morning. Burning in stomach with nausea

Had low BP on examination 
No other symptom, with temp 99.  
Dr has only few medicines in clinic . 
Hinwastaka choorna 
Swadistavirachan choorn
Bhaskara lavanam 
Soothasakhar ras 
Indukantam kashayam .

So have to select only 2 medicines from these . 

Help chotu for selecting the best medicine which works without complications .

Vd. Uday Patil:
LSS will be suffiecient.
If angimandya is more, add Higwashtak churna.

Indukanta kashayam

Dr.pradp Noori:
Good but a boubt Hingwastakachorna is it ptta vardhaka or shamaka? In this condition if agnimandhya is there . Or no agnmandhya is there  then what is your prescription

Dr.Vijaya Palathadka:
It may be suthashekara and amruthottara kashaya. Which are indicated in agnimandya,amla potta, jwaratisara

Dr Rashmi Patil:
Bhaskar lavana

Agnimandya, burning sensation...gastritis.

Indukanta kashay jwarahara, agnideepan...amapachak

Considering low BP ....bhaskar lavana is good

Sangeeta Sharma:
Bhaskar lavan and sutsekhar ras

Kashaiah Vasam:
Soothashekar ras in controlling the temperature , usefull in intestinal infection and Baskara lavana churna is improving B.P

Dr.pradp Noori:
Lavana hing and masalas are all pitta vardhaka . Loose motions or ati-sara is increase in sara guna so decide wether to give the pitta saraguna prakopa aushadhi . Yes if you are using soothasakhar ras it may not harm

Vd Uday patil to End are correct . Our guru ji vd ganesh sir should conclude

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
low bp after atisara we can ignore temporarily. 
depending on nidana 
If ajeerna - due to heavy food since it is summer Sootha shekhara and  laghu soothashekhara in ghee mix — reducess burning and ajeerna also fever
with admana hingwastaka churna with ghee / takra and if temp does not reduce amrutottra kashaya

With out h/o just atisara, jwara and daha it is sootha shekhara with gulcan and it is summer add amrutottara  kashaya  with more water and sipping slowly not drinking

Why sipping sir and not drinking

Vd. Uday Patil:
With Only 2 loosemotions, i think LSS is sufficient, as it is grahi, pitta shamak, mild aampachak, agnivardhak. I usually give LSS + shankh bhasma.

If patients prakruti is kafapradhan, agnimandya is more, and in Rainy season, Higwashtak churn could be better. Being ushna pittavardhak, definitely not in summer and in pitta pradhanya.

If pitta pradhan prakruti, addition of Sutashekhar could be helpfull if agni is mand.

For low BP, shadangodak can be given for Rasa tarpan.

Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:
*Covid Revisited*

*Covid means ज्वर* इससे हमे थोडा बाहर निकलना चाहीये

पेशंट जब सिर्फ *ज्वर अंगमर्द कास* लक्षण लेकर आता है तो ठीक है
          आपका निदान *ज्वर* या *कास* हो सकता है

लेकीन जब HRCT मे Ground Glass Opacity आता है,तब मेरा निदान ज्वर नही रहता तब मेरा निदान *उरक्षत* होता है और उरक्षत के किसीं भी दवा से O2 level बढना सुरू होता है। chest मे हलकापन आता है।

अगर ऐसे रुग्ण की proper ट्रीटमेंट नही हुयी तो Symptoms की severity बढकर blood stained sputum या heamaptysis होता है

उरक्षत का पूर्व ही देखीये ना
*अव्यक्त लक्षणं तस्य पूर्वरूपमिती स्मृतम।।*

ज्वर आने के बाद जब lungs मे changes आना शुरु होते है तब O2 level कम होना शुरु होता है और patient को पता भी नही चलता. 

*Happy hypoxia*

*अव्यक्त लक्षणं तस्य* ही तो है

फिर in late condition मे sypmtoms दिखना शुरु हो जाते है

*उरोरूक शोणित: छर्दी: कासो वैशेषिक: क्षते।*

आजतक बिना सुवर्णकल्प के ही चिकित्सा दि है
काढा मुहूरमुहू is my best priscription

ज्वर से लेकर उरक्षत तक हमे सोचना चाहीये

वैद्य दिलखूष तांबोळी

Dr.pradp Noori:
A Two 35 years lady came to vd chotu's clinic . 1st medium built , coppery hair .was complaining of dry cough since 3 days . Other fat lady with bright skin was complaining of cough with phlem since yesterday . Both tested corona nagative . What will be your genral prescription .

Sitopaladi choorna 
Talisadichoorn  and many other medicines were there

gopi krishna:
For dry cough 
Talisadi choorna 30gm
Madhuyasti 30gm
Makaradwaj 4gm 
Abraka bhasma 4gm
Mrigashringa bhasma 4gm 
Mix all and ask pt to take this mixture pinch by pinch now and then through out the day for 8 times. 
(Small quantityof honey and more ghee as anupanam)

For obese lady with productive cough
Sitopaladi choorna 30
Yastimadhu 30gm
Makaradwaj 4gm Abraka 4gm
Talasindoora 4gm
(Honey as anupanam Could be better)
Mix well and take pinch by pinch for 6 to 8 times a day 

As supportive ,if bouts of cough is severe then its suggested with naradiya Lakshmivilas ras 1tds for both pts , in common


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