32years male patient
No H/o Dm, HTN,
c/o premature ejaculation since 6months,
Associated complaints
Irregular bowel's once in 2days
Low back pain since 6months
Neck pain since 3months
Flatulance with foul smell since 10 days.
Personal history
Weight 86kg
Height 5.10
Occupation. FCI employee accountant,
5years married life 2child.
Please explain ayurveda treatment.
Thank u.
Please explain treatment for sukragata vata
Kashaiah Vasam:
First give Virechana with panchasakar churna
Dr.pradp Noori:
Higwastakachoorna to correct Unni till thr digestion I’d proper then add aswagandha 10 Sunthi 1 gokshura 1
back pain is also vata so
Treatment is a vatanulomana samanavatacorrection (Agni correction )
So few days hig
Wastaka or better hinguvachadi as pme is also a psychologically effected cache is ther but not for more days just 3 to 5days then go for swadistavirachanchoorna which Is pitta corrector vatanulomana and Madhura acting on apana
Sukra is liquefied easily in this boy means sara Guna increased
Spatikabham Dramamine Snigdha madhuram Madhura Gandha
slimy not more drava so trito decrease the pitta
Drava and Snigdha like ghee
1 aswagandha with milk
2. Gokshura
3 Sunthi
Shatavari is more cold
Amahara kashaya works very effectively...
Jeera+Sunti+jaggery make it into kashaya ..(clears ama)
Yogaraja guggulu
Sahacharadi kashayam
Hingwastaka churna night with ghrita after first bolus of food
After clearing of ama lakshanas..
Then concentrate on pme..
Then add neo tablet
Yogaraja guggulu...Deepana pachana vaat anulomana ama hara shoola hara
Sahacharadi kashayam..vaata kapha effects on lower extremities as well as effect on pme
Hingwastaka..vata anulomana..agni deepana...clears ama and mild rechaka
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