Rasashastra drugs
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Any thoughts on corona treatment?
signs and symptoms
main - loss of smell -गन्धनाश posted in CAV group
loss of gas exchange due to fibrosis or lung collapse.
कदाचिदव्यापन्नेष्वपि ऋतुषु कृत्याभिशापरक्षःक्रोधाधर्मैरुपध्वस्यन्ते जनपदाः, विषौषधिपुष्पगन्धेन वा वायुनोपनीतेनाक्रम्यते यो देशस्तत्र दोषप्रकृत्यविशेषेण कासश्वास वमथुप्रतिश्याय शिरोरुग्ज्वरैरुपतप्यन्ते, ग्रहनक्षत्रचरितैर्वा,गृहदारशयनासनयानवाहनमणिरत्नोपकरणगर्हितलक्षणनिमित्तप्रादुर्भावैर्वा ||१९||
तत्र, स्थानपरित्यागशान्तिकर्मप्रायश्चित्तमङ्गलजपहोमोपहारेज्याञ्जलिनमस्कारतपोनियम-दयादानदीक्षाभ्युपगमदेवताब्राह्मणगुरुपरैर्भवितव्यम्, एवं साधु भवति ||२०|| su. sootra 6
We Have Used PTK "Pancha Tikta Kasyam" Of GCP Successfully In Patients With Post Nasal Congestion, Prathishaya, Inflamed Throat, Ulcers In Throat, shwasa, which is not controlled by anti-biotic, repeated same symptoms, but they were not transmitted.
Dr.gopi krishna:
Yes as per stage
Initially giving
Mrityunjaya ras Arogyavardhini Amritarista anupanam
Naradiya Lakshmivilas ras and laghusoota vati
With Pushkaramoolasav
Mahalakshmi vilas ras
Swasa kuthar ras
Epidemic phase
Mallagarbha pottali
Mahalakshmi vilas ras
Jai mangal ras
Powder combination of
Talasindoora ,laghusoota mishran, yasti choorna ,mrigashriga bhasma with honey anupanam in muhurmuhu dosage
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
in cases of lungs fibrosis we have used chintamani rasa of vata vyadhi Bh.R with srunga bhasma sucesfully.
this formula increases O2 in blood from 48% to 60% with in 15 to 30 minutes. reaches upto 89% in 3 to 4 hrs.
(continuous recording). patients who are on ventilator for lowered O2 come out from dependency. Total cases tried 6. results in all cases 100%.
In very acute cases with bronchties not tried.
Action on lungs better than BVC.
There is another chintamani rasa of udara roagadhikara. So adhikara is important.
It is considered as India's National tonic. Legends say that Ashwini Gods created the formulation using several Divine herbs and presented to the aged rishi Chyawan who restored his youthfulness making him suitable to marry young Princess Sukanya. It has rejuvenative, detoxifying, cleansing and Immuno- modulatory herbs making it a very powerful *Immune Booster*
According to Maharishi Charak, it has several health benefits :
📍Great tonic for lungs
📍Takes care of chronic cough
📍Helps alleviate breathing troubles
📍Helps reverse aging
📍Nourishes growth of children and adults
📍Nourishes the Heart and blood
📍Nourishes 7 Dhatus
📍Strengthens the five senses
📍Takes care of excessive thirst
📍Helps Urinary tract and Pacifies it's aggravated doshas
📍Nourishes reproductive fluid
📍Increases intelligence and boosts memory
📍Enhances glow and complexion of skin
📍Keeps the body disease free
📍Strengthens both make & female physiology
📍 Strengthens the Digestive metabolic fire
📍Rectifies Vata Dosha and Pacifies Apana Vayu
📍Supports Prana, Samana, Apana functionality
Preferable to take after mid-day meal.
Ministry Of AYUSH(Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani,Siddha & Homeopathy) Department Of Indian Government has prescribed the following Medicines to fight against the Corona Virus...
1.Siddha :
a).Nilavembu Kudineer/Kaba sura Kudineer - decoction 60ml twice a day.
b).Adathodi Manapagu - syrup 10ml twice a day
2.Ayurveda :
a)Ayush 64 : 2 tablets twice a day.
b)Agasthya Hareetaki : 5grams twice a day with warm water.
3)Anuthaila / sesame oil : 2 drops in each nostril daily in morning.
(Incase of nasal irritation,only swabbing the nostrils with sesame oil may be done)
It is considered as India's National tonic. Legends say that Ashwini Gods created the formulation using several Divine herbs and presented to the aged rishi Chyawan who restored his youthfulness making him suitable to marry young Princess Sukanya. It has rejuvenative, detoxifying, cleansing and Immuno- modulatory herbs making it a very powerful *Immune Booster*
According to Maharishi Charak, it has several health benefits :
📍Great tonic for lungs
📍Takes care of chronic cough
📍Helps alleviate breathing troubles
📍Helps reverse aging
📍Nourishes growth of children and adults
📍Nourishes the Heart and blood
📍Nourishes 7 Dhatus
📍Strengthens the five senses
📍Takes care of excessive thirst
📍Helps Urinary tract and Pacifies it's aggravated doshas
📍Nourishes reproductive fluid
📍Increases intelligence and boosts memory
📍Enhances glow and complexion of skin
📍Keeps the body disease free
📍Strengthens both make & female physiology
📍 Strengthens the Digestive metabolic fire
📍Rectifies Vata Dosha and Pacifies Apana Vayu
📍Supports Prana, Samana, Apana functionality
Preferable to take after mid-day meal.
For Full details about Unani,Homeopathy, etc Check the Image & For the source Check first Comment....
பி.கு : இது அத்தனையும் ஆய்வுகளின் அடிப்படையில் இந்திய அரசின் கீழ் இயங்கும் AYUSH Ministry வெளியிட்டது. ஆனால் இப்படி ஒரு செய்தி வெளி வந்ததே 99% மக்களுக்கு தெரியாது.....
*Fight "Coronavirus": Food Recipes To Boost Your Immunity System#*
Coronavirus as an epidemic has already caused countries to lockdown for social distancing and prevention of its further spread. It is important to follow basic hygiene but there’s only so much that hand sanitizers can do. Hence, it’s imperative to boost immunity that helps prevent diseases like noval coronavirus.
Our body has a natural defense mechanism, ‘immunity’, to prevent and fight again virus such us coronavirus infection. Since it is a virus which has never mutated in human beings before, there is no current solution to it. Therefore, prevention is the best way during times of social distancing or self-quarantine. Some of the most helpful ammo in this fight against ill-health is right in your kitchen.
1. Turmeric
2. Garlic
3. Cloves
4. Cinnamon
5. Omega-3 fatty acids
6.Juices like:-
* Kale
* Pomegranate
* Beetroot
* Orange
Here are few easy and quick recipes for daily consumption of food that will boost your immunity system.
•Lemon Ginger And Turmeric Daily detox tea To Strengthen Immunity.
Ingredients --
6 cups water,
1 chunk fresh ginger,
3 cinnamon sticks,
1 tsp ground turmeric,
½ tsp cayenne pepper,
6 fresh lemons
• Peel the ginger and dice into thin slices.
• Add water in a large pot or saucepan over high heat and add the sliced ginger.
• Turn to low-heat once the water boils and let it simmer for approximately 10 minutes.
• After 10 minutes, add the cinnamon sticks, turmeric and cayenne and simmer on low heat for another 10 minutes; stirring occasionally.
• Then remove from heat, let cool and strain.
• This makes about 6 cups of a concentrated version of the detox tea which you can store in a glass jar in the fridge.
• This can be consumed warm or cold and add ½ fresh lemon juice right before you enjoy.
•Breakfast Smoothies with Flax Seeds To Boost Your Immunity
Ingredients -- 2 tbsp flaxseeds, 1 cup flavored soya milk, 1 cup chilled and roughly chopped strawberries, 1/2 cup chilled and roughly chopped bananas, 2 tsp honey, Garnish: 2 strawberries and 2 bananas slices
• Add strawberries, bananas, flaxseeds and honey in soya milk, blend in a juicer till the mixture is smooth and frothy.
• Pour equal quantities of the smoothie into 2 individual glasses.
• Serve garnished with a strawberry and banana slice.
There are healthy recipes to keep your unhygienic/junk food eating habits at bay. But the above food items are easily available in your kitchen spice box or at the market. Staying healthy especially during such conditions is imperative.
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