A case of Chronic hepatic parenchymal disease with mild splenomegaly
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
Namaste all ...had a patient of 52yrs male diagnosed with Liver Parenchymal disease.& urine sugar-0.5%..presenting with laxanas of pain after food intake & improper mala pravruti... had prescribed Sukumaram Kashaya+Drakshadi kashaya & Avipathi churna at bedtime Kamaduga Kamaduga with mouktika ...your suggestions please...
Jayakrishna Kulamarva:
Both Sukumaram and drakshadi and avipathikara better be avoided in diabetics
Go for arogya vardhini
Gandharvahasthadi is preferable
Your prescription shows that you diagnosed it as a pitta Pradhan condition
Was there any aasyapaka
Or burning sensation in the chest
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
Pain after taking food ...parinama shoola
In epigastrium
Jayakrishna Kulamarva:
In that case dhathri lauha will works better
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
On alternate days..was prescribed by another Ayur physician Suvarnasoota shekara
Jayakrishna Kulamarva:
What's the reason for hepatic pathology
Drug induced?
Malaria or typhoid
Bcz there's splenomegaly
In that case think about using patolakatutohinyadi with punarnavadi
Make the right dosha diagnosis
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
To take early food in night & in morning, curd
Jayakrishna Kulamarva:
No curd
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
Ok sir...groundnut oil is Ok?
Jayakrishna Kulamarva:
Only buttermilk
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
Blood sugar could be resultant of this?problem..
Jayakrishna Kulamarva:
That which has damaged the liver has damaged the pancreas too
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
Very recently he has started oral hypoglycemic drug
Jayakrishna Kulamarva:
Anti cholesterol Buster's are one nidana to be ruled out
Middle age and cholesterol Buster's prescription is common
Get a lipid profile and lft done next time
Select something which doesn't aggravate the underlying problem
Like thikthaka kashayam
Dr.pradp Noori:
Gomutra haritaki 3 gms in divided dose
Soothasekhar ras 500 mg before food
Hinguvachadi choorna 1 gm
Bed time swadistavirachan choorna 3 gms . For 14 days .
Will be my prescription .
Your Rx as sir said .
How to analyze this
It is a vikara in pitta sthana.
⚡️pain is avarodha vata . ( if burning and pain it is vata +pitta)2. Only pain it may be due to constipation and avarodha of gas then it is vata +kapha )
Vatanulomana is needed to relief the malapravrutti .
So ask them about type of pain, duration and frequency, associated with burning or not and how does it subside .
In this case we have to clearly have a line of treatment for liver ,reduce the pain and relieve the constipation or correct the mala (v+p or v+k)
If vata pitta involved multiple times or burning will be there .
If vk it will be constipation dry stools or like piles problem will be there .
Pure vata constipation
Hard dry and sever constipation will be there .
So my prescription is a guess work .but safe in all conditions
Correction of samana and apana vata
Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:
Udrshul.....After food intake ..Is it immediate or after some time....
Any other symptom...
At First forget investigation....
Pl.tell in detail... symptoms
Everytime Liver parenchymal disease..In report doesn't mean liver is basic cause ....Liver changes may due to another reason....
Pls.give details of symptoms
Then prakruti for e.g.
... Dosh pradhanata
... Kled bahul sharir
... Medorog
.... Ruksh sharir
.... Sukumar sharir
.... Like this......
Sorry for asking ...
But it is not ordinary case ..That's why
Swati Totla:
Jeera kashyam +ghritam,munakka soaked in water (simple and effective solution for shool,aadhmana,amlapitta,malavbandha etc
Ghee is lubricating in intestine as well as pitta shamak. Munnakka mild laxative and pittashamak
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