Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Always in stenosis you can use cardorium or arborium tonic. Best is patola patra kashaya / paneeya.
along with these two use Hemagarbha pottali / abra garbha pottali.
What exactly you mean by stenosis of valve? It is narrowing. narrowing is two methods
1. vessel becomes narrow due to lack of strength
2. there is deposition inside the vessel
each need a different treatment.
Always in stenosis you can use cardorium or arborium tonic. Best is patola patra kashaya / paneeya.
along with these two use Hemagarbha pottali / abra garbha pottali.
What exactly you mean by stenosis of valve? It is narrowing. narrowing is two methods
1. vessel becomes narrow due to lack of strength
2. there is deposition inside the vessel
each need a different treatment.
In cases where panchakarma is indicated - like snehana, swedana then vamana virechana basthi, nasya, rakta mokshana are indicated surgery is not indicated then; if pancha karma can't be done, absence of chatushapada, improper desha kala then use pottali.
panchakarma is indicated for sukumara and dosha chaya.
pottali in vyakta or bheda, arishata lakshana, upadrava etc pottali is indicatted.
panchakarma is indicated for sukumara and dosha chaya.
pottali in vyakta or bheda, arishata lakshana, upadrava etc pottali is indicatted.
Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
Sir is there any seasonal restrictions for pottali prayoga?
Sir is there any seasonal restrictions for pottali prayoga?
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
No that is the specialty of Pottali
No that is the specialty of Pottali
not only pottali all rasa yoga can by-pass pancha karma. except in cases where muscle (mamsa dhatu is defective.) In majja dhatu dusti also pancha karma becomes second. In village treatment of maha vaydhi moolika prayoga becomes 1st, ras / visha 2nd. kashoushadha 3rd. finall is panchakarma. it is indicated only for people dwelling in towns.
So if we use rasa yoga properly we can reduce load on environment, dependency on assittence and family. Time needed for each patient.
Bindu Vedantam Bindu Vedantam:
Sir. How can we know because of weakening or deposition because in 2d echo we get diagnosis as stenosis of valve and rheumatic heart disease.
As it is rheumatic heart disease i am assuming as deposition. Kindly enlighten me
Sir. How can we know because of weakening or deposition because in 2d echo we get diagnosis as stenosis of valve and rheumatic heart disease.
As it is rheumatic heart disease i am assuming as deposition. Kindly enlighten me
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
if vessel thickness is more then it is depstion. generally they give it as block or narrowing by depostion of chlosterol, if vessel wall thickness is more then depostion. thickening is absent but narrowing is present thenit is weakening.
if vessel thickness is more then it is depstion. generally they give it as block or narrowing by depostion of chlosterol, if vessel wall thickness is more then depostion. thickening is absent but narrowing is present thenit is weakening.
Bindu Vedantam Bindu Vedantam:
Thickness increased sir
Thickness increased sir
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
So kshara karma is needed. Kalyanaka kshara along with arboreum /cardorium may help.
We advice patola (long one) patra paneeya. else depending on manobala add pottali
So kshara karma is needed. Kalyanaka kshara along with arboreum /cardorium may help.
We advice patola (long one) patra paneeya. else depending on manobala add pottali
Bindu Vedantam Bindu Vedantam:
Thank you so much sir. Here hemagarbha or abragarbha will be helpful or not needed sir?
Thank you so much sir. Here hemagarbha or abragarbha will be helpful or not needed sir?
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
You can use hemagrbha as it increases ojus, it will protect cardiac functions during kshara prayoga.
Be careful that she takes early dinner always.
You can use hemagrbha as it increases ojus, it will protect cardiac functions during kshara prayoga.
Be careful that she takes early dinner always.
Bindu Vedantam Bindu Vedantam:
Ok sir. Early dinner important in cardiac prblms sir?
Ok sir. Early dinner important in cardiac prblms sir?
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
any thorasic problems.
any thorasic problems.
Bindu Vedantam Bindu Vedantam:
Thank you so much sir
Thank you so much sir
Dr.pradp Noori:
How Does pottali preparations work so fast and effective in less time and minimal doseage ?
What happens in the samsara of pottali kalpana?
How Does pottali preparations work so fast and effective in less time and minimal doseage ?
What happens in the samsara of pottali kalpana?
How does it get obsorbed and reach the target ?
What are the Pathya pathya of these kalpana ?
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
To understand pottali we need to start at h/o rasa Shastra and travel through time.
Or we need to make a list of contents of pottali.
Actually they are not fast in real meaning of term. If onion rasam / yavagu can increases o2 level from 78 to 94 in 30 min is it not fast.? If we look at cost, material and action it is fast.
If SMV can increase platelet count from 16000 to 62000 in one night is it not fast?
To understand pottali we need to start at h/o rasa Shastra and travel through time.
Or we need to make a list of contents of pottali.
Actually they are not fast in real meaning of term. If onion rasam / yavagu can increases o2 level from 78 to 94 in 30 min is it not fast.? If we look at cost, material and action it is fast.
If SMV can increase platelet count from 16000 to 62000 in one night is it not fast?
It is the action of pottali on shwasa / hrudaya makes it to consider as fast. Even in patients with tracheotomy etc. also it shows the action.
There is absence of doshavilayana, dosha parivartana is seen. Mala utpatti is reduced or corrected
These are things that happen in pottali prayoga. Patient conscious or not, able to swallow or not does not count.
There is absence of doshavilayana, dosha parivartana is seen. Mala utpatti is reduced or corrected
These are things that happen in pottali prayoga. Patient conscious or not, able to swallow or not does not count.
It is sublingual absorption as far my knowledge goes. depending anupana it reacts on brain not on organ and rectifies. There is no need to reach disease site.
generally pottali used in critical condition diet according disease or situvation need to be prescribed.
Pottali reduces the symptoms very fast. But simply one or two doses are not sufficient. It should be consumed continuously. One cardiac pt was taking pottali for more than four years. Gradually the dose of allopathic medicines has reduced and immunity increased cardiac efficiency also increased by 48 %to 54 %if I remember properly. And in one carcinoma pt who is still under treatment he feels taking pottali will give him strength to his day to day work he will not feel tired. He is on allopathic medication also. He has noticed there will not be hair fall if he takes pottali regularly if by any chance stops it for 4 to 5 days hair fall starts drastically. From this can we come to any samprapthi of how pottali's work?
Pottali reduces the symptoms very fast. But simply one or two doses are not sufficient. It should be consumed continuously. One cardiac pt was taking pottali for more than four years. Gradually the dose of allopathic medicines has reduced and immunity increased cardiac efficiency also increased by 48 %to 54 %if I remember properly. And in one carcinoma pt who is still under treatment he feels taking pottali will give him strength to his day to day work he will not feel tired. He is on allopathic medication also. He has noticed there will not be hair fall if he takes pottali regularly if by any chance stops it for 4 to 5 days hair fall starts drastically. From this can we come to any samprapthi of how pottali's work?
Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:
Yes sir...
Though acharyas not mentioned sublingual track .....But they have mentioned the importance of it indirectly....In दंत धावन विधी
Yes sir...
Though acharyas not mentioned sublingual track .....But they have mentioned the importance of it indirectly....In दंत धावन विधी
कटू तिक्त कशाय रस are अहृद्य
And these अहृद्य रसात्मक दंतधावन is contraindicated in ह्रद्रोग.....
And these अहृद्य रसात्मक दंतधावन is contraindicated in ह्रद्रोग.....
Dr.Vijaya Palathadka:
Charaka 's definition and explanation of veerya in sutra sthana says about sublingual absorption
Charaka 's definition and explanation of veerya in sutra sthana says about sublingual absorption
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Nothing to correct you are right -
additional information
actuvally I should have said "oral" the moment it fall on tongue - रसाग्नि will digest it and action is seen
Nothing to correct you are right -
additional information
actuvally I should have said "oral" the moment it fall on tongue - रसाग्नि will digest it and action is seen
आत्रेयà¤à¤¦्रकाप्य ——
रसो निपाते द्रव्याणां, विपाकः कर्मनिष्ठया। वीर्यं यावदधीवासान्निपाताच्चोपलà¤्यते।।६६।।
रसादीनामेकद्रव्यनिविष्टानां à¤ेदेन ज्ञानार्थं लक्षणमाह- रसो निपात इत्यादि। निपात इति रसनायोगे।
रसादीनामेकद्रव्यनिविष्टानां à¤ेदेन ज्ञानार्थं लक्षणमाह- रसो निपात इत्यादि। निपात इति रसनायोगे। कर्मनिष्ठयेति कर्मणो निष्ठा निष्पत्तिः कर्मनिष्ठा क्रियापरिसमाप्तिः, रसोपयोगे सति योऽन्त्याहारपरिणामकृतः कर्मविशेषः कफशुक्राà¤िवृद्ध्यादिलक्षणः, तेन विपाको निश्चीयते
रसो निपाते द्रव्याणां, विपाकः कर्मनिष्ठया। वीर्यं यावदधीवासान्निपाताच्चोपलà¤्यते।।६६।।
रसादीनामेकद्रव्यनिविष्टानां à¤ेदेन ज्ञानार्थं लक्षणमाह- रसो निपात इत्यादि। निपात इति रसनायोगे।
रसादीनामेकद्रव्यनिविष्टानां à¤ेदेन ज्ञानार्थं लक्षणमाह- रसो निपात इत्यादि। निपात इति रसनायोगे। कर्मनिष्ठयेति कर्मणो निष्ठा निष्पत्तिः कर्मनिष्ठा क्रियापरिसमाप्तिः, रसोपयोगे सति योऽन्त्याहारपरिणामकृतः कर्मविशेषः कफशुक्राà¤िवृद्ध्यादिलक्षणः, तेन विपाको निश्चीयते
since action of rasa is nipata on tongue; we can say sub or supra. then why sub lingual patient will spit it if put on tongue to prevent it is given as sublingual.
Better if we say lingual absorbtion; due to adaptation sub-lingual is used.
Finally agni present in rasana digests some portion of food / medicine is clearly memtioned.
Better if we say lingual absorbtion; due to adaptation sub-lingual is used.
Finally agni present in rasana digests some portion of food / medicine is clearly memtioned.
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