Dr.Ganesh kumar:
My aim is understanding formula and using ingredients action for eg:- lakshmivilasa rasa (naradeeya) two formula are there in the market. one with tamra bhasma another with Abraka bhasma only. one is brumhana another is lekhana. So without ingredients we can't proceed.
TAMRAGARBHA POTTALI is composed of shodhit parada, shodhit gandhaka, suvarna bhasma and Tamra bhasma. It is well known for its use in disorders of pranava srotas.
TARAGARBHA POTTALI is composed of rasasindoor, shodhit gandhaka, suvarna bhasma and rajata bhasma. It is well known for its use in prameha and disorders of moothravaha and shukravaha srotas.
TRIDHATUGARBHA POTTALI is composed of shodhit parada, shodhit gandhaka, suvarna bhasma, naga bhasma, vanga bhasma and yasada bhasma. It is well known for its use in prameha and disorders of shukravaha srotas and artavavaha srotas.
ABHRAGARBHA POTTALI is composed of shodhit parada, shodhit gandhaka, suvarna bhasma and abhraka bhasma.It is well known for its use in disorders of pranavaha srotas.
HEMAGARBHA POTTALI is composed of shodhit parada, shodhit gandhaka, suvarna bhasma and Tamra bhasma and kumari leaf swarms. It is well known for its use in disorders of pranavaha srotas.
RASAGARBHA POTTALI is composed of shodhit parada, shodhit gandhaka, suvarna bhasma and rasasindoor. It is well known for its use in various ailments.
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
prepared tara garbha pottali 120gms approx. by gandhaka jarana, putapakva, and khalvi (Bhavana vidhi)
If action is same why we should go for gandhaka jarana or puta pakva only bhavana vidhi sholud be done and used.
If there is action difference then we need to differentiate between each process.
So search /ask/ research and post.
unless involvement is seen I can't proceed. If go through Charaka samhita each topic starts with a place, question and answer to that particuler question.
So if members ready pay interest then only loan of knowledge is given not otherwise.
What is the meaning of AMA garbha what's to be used
Dr Pranesh Kulkarni:
Ama garbha is anda (egg), the garbha which is not ripened yet
It is advised in the context of dhatu poshana गर्भं आमगर्भेण
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
It is a side tract. Not related to pottali directly.
One of the group asked what is treatment for brain atrophy.
What is atrophy -degeneration - treatment reverse- - regeneration (reproduction)
But it can’t be Vajeekara (union is needed) reproduction which is already joined but not climaxed is needed.
So ama garbha is advised- along with pottali / rasa yoga if ama garbha is added then result is seen faster, better.
But what is ama garbha - it is not complete but growing ---vyakta - shape not formed is called ama garbha .
Example - in rasayanadhyaya Charaka says
(चिकित्सास्थानम् - २/२. आसिक्तक्षीरीयो वाजीकरणपादः)
आसिक्तक्षीरमापूर्णमशुष्कं शुद्धषष्टिकम् | उदूखले समापोथ्य पीडयेत् क्षीरमर्दितम्||३||
shali which is not ripened just milky is to be used. This also ama garbha, same applies wheat, ragi etc. when we use pottali we need pathya sometimes. In de-generative diseases it is regenerating tissue / ahara is needed. So remove confusion of ama garbha also to accept use of placenta etc, asked the question. Since there is a response I am elaborating on ama garbha.
It can be plant animal origin only condition absence of completion of structure formation
Dr Pranesh Kulkarni:
Sir then we can advise hombale chikitsa along with pottali wherever regeneration is needed??
Narikela hombale??
Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:
Hombale means...??
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Unopened tender flower of coconut
Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
These flowers are useful in ashmari. I never used but I read somewhere. Do you have any experience sir.
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
flowers of maize are used in ashnaree, coconut flowers in mootra kruchra logical, mootrashamaree hearing for 1st time.
any idea how it should be used?
Dr.Madhavi Rao:
A pt of mine with hypothyroidism taking allo medicine 75 mg....
She for her vata kantaka...wanted ayur rx from me..
Is it okay to give vatavidwamsi
Vata chintamani ras...
While taking thyroid medication allopathic?
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
yes but why three medicnes for vata kantaka ? try with two if response is not there then add third one.
So in emergency any diseases related to heart functioning i.e. ichemia use hemagrabha pottali
In neuro related malfunctions also hema garbha
In neuro related structral defects use taragarbha pottali
In hepatic disorders use tamra garbha pottali
kidney related disorders use tri(dhatu) vanga pottali
Then there are innumerable formulation of hema /hiranya garbha with difference in place / action/speed etc.
What we need to know is always pottali may not be the right answer.
for eg we have a patient with low O2 concentration. Giveing hema garbha maintaing from 48% to 70 changed to 68 to 88%.
Then I said it is not expected result; so give her onion rasam. In 30 minutes O2 concentarion increased from 78 to 92 later by evening went upto 94 or 98%.
Is onion better than pottali no. But it worked due to proper analysis of samprapthi.
Bindu Vedantam Bindu Vedantam:
Sir in valve dysfunction does hemagarbhapotali work?
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Yes if valve size is OK.
If valves are week , then need to go for kashoushadha.
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