Apr 25, 2019

Hyperkalemia; Amavata

Vijaya Rani:
A72 year male pt admitted vin the hospital with drowsy,altered sensation,nausea, vomitings , shortness of breath ing, loss of appetite, and H/O,HTN,DMTYPE2,CAD,
He took treatment in the hospital and discharge with improved condition
Using medication from 6 months
Yesterday he consultant me
With burning micturition, dribling of urine, urgency of stools and urine , and loss if memory ,loss of appetite
Vata Nadi, tongue is coated, ,
Plz give me your voluble suggestions vaidyas.

Kashaiah Vasam:
Tarakeswara ras 2 bid
Chandraprabha vati2bid
Chitrakaadi gutika 2 bid

Vijayalakshmi Bavanari:
A patient with cervical  eroson : pitta prakruti . age 35 year.    i wrote tab chandrprabha vati and  patramgaasav, tri phala doosh

Vd. Uday Patil:
Pls suggest me any Ayurvedic cream for external application (available in medical shops) for Breast Lumps

No creams are readily available in market
But you can use this simple yoga
Apply kalka of kumari root added with haridra churna.

Midde Srikanth:
A male pt aged 49 came with C/o Pain in left knee joint associated with swelling since 3 years. On inspection a feeling of some fluid in knee joint. Previously every 2 yrs one attack gradually yearly one attack now he is getting monthly one attack. Sometimes he is not be able to walk. Whenever he do more physical exercises like swimming or eats non veg or oily items disease aggrevates.At present he is using corticosteroids. H/ o thyroid since 10 yrs, hypertension 6 yrs. Diagnosis is inflammatory arthritis. Seen by many eminent doctors , but no result. Best Practical Ayurvedic approach for treating Inflammatory arthritis ( Amavata).

Swarna vanga one of the best choice in Septic or other inflammatory joint diseases
Vacha churna addeded with kanjikak applied over affected joints as lepan, greatly reduced joint effusion and pain as well.
I had plenty of successful attempts in such cases.


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