Mamata Bhagwat:
Regarding Autism one has to keep in mind the involvement of manas and other indriyas.
When ever indriyas are under subnormal or abnormal state, please think about Pranavata.
In autism, prana is avritavastha by vyana.
Treatment should be planned to remove avarana. Improve indriya and mana prasadana.
Shiro pichu, navana, gandusha, ksheeradhooma vidhis will be helpful.
So vagbhata says rogastu dosha vaishmyam dosha samyamarogata
Dosha samyata and vishamata are happening in throughout day and night, both catabolism and anabolism will be going on
To Vijaya laxmi vd,
In classics, we used to examplified Lord Krishna, Arjuna and horses in the positions of president, prime minister, other ministers respectively. Of course, the chariot is the body.
A beautiful example of current day.😊😊😊
Midde Srikanth:
PT of varicose ulcers. 4 yrs back surgery done, again suggested for surgery. Wants to take ayurvedic trt. Experts advice. Now he is having severe pain.
Kaishora guggulu
Av vati
Prakshalana with triphala and yasti churna
Jathyadhi ghrita or taila application and yasti dusting
Leg elevation....
Advise pathyapathya
Loknath ras +marich +SaindhavLavana with Tambool Swaras in d morning...
Kishore guggulu 2 tab. Tid..
Prakshalana & oil as advised by Dr. Kamal....
Payal K:
I would suggest kanchanar guggulu , tapyadi loha , ashwagandha, gokshur, punarnava. Also better to start suvarna kalpa like suvarnasindoor
Kotla sunitha:
Sahacharadi tailam -external,sahacharadi -101avartam internal can be given , I have started the drug swellings reduced
👍👍👍even we have given the same Priscription along with kaishora guggulu It has worked,
Instead of sahacharadi taila if sugar levels are high then dhanwantara gritha is more preferable both internally and externally
Midde Srikanth:
He is not a diabetic, I suggested guggulu tiktaka ks with sahacardi chikkanapakam kaisora guggulu with punarnavasavam and dashamoola hareethaki lehyam.
Ext application jatyadi ghritam. Advised for jalaukavachàrana.
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