Dec 20, 2016

Doctors discussions on 16/12/2016

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
we need to understand sadvrutta better, there is a procedure in andra "girl when has first periods then asked  to get a flower from the plant. if plant survives she can go anywhere during periods, ifnot she has to follw rajaswala niyama"

there is research that if you keep cotton in the arm pit of female during periods for 1/2 hour and if keep smelling it, then meneses will be preponed by 5-7 days.

We have treated 66 recorded cases of children who fell ILL during mothers period time, and three case recorded where husband had gastritis and mood swing during period time of wife.
the sweat secretion during periods is enterily different and you can check easily. get sperm count during rajaswala and during rutumathi (ovulatioun)"
we have found difference up to 1.5 million
there was article in the net for a month which was removed after protests- which stated taht head bath during menses leads to mild degree of endometriosis, resulting in DUB, menno/ meto razzia.
All those advisement of scents and deoderent are not false. they immitate  pheromones of humans and create a state of euphoria.
in fact  pheromone which are secreted during ovulation trigger sexuval response in the partner.
In the same way a child sleeping with the mother even though not developed physically or mentally might react hormonally due to  pheromones of mother.  this can cause PCOD, PCOS, MILD increase in thyroid, over devolopment of secondary sex organs / stimulus / depression/ mood swing etc.

my english is not good so if difficult follow say so.

ati loma may be due to some race(sahaja) or may be diseased condition. in diseased condition in modern science it is because of increase in androgen or insulin sensitivity,. and androgen may be produced in ovaries or esticles but majority of it is produced because of pitutary stimulation. ( as I have read as far as my knowledge goes) . pitutary is a gland situated in murdhni.
again coming back to your question. murdhni is a pranayatana, and it is the stana of dwadasha pranas. so vikruthi in prana in pranayatana leads to dhatu and dosha vikruthis.
viewing the horror movie with full invovement definetly leads to prana vikruthi, along with that if one has the habit of taking vyavayi vikasi ahara then vyavayitwa and vikasitwa in the loma koopa leads to increase in the thickness of the hair already present and as they say increase in androgen levels(prana vikruthi) turns the small hair and the white part of the hair to grow and trn into black which we call as hirsutism. as we all know no of hair follicles will not increase in number.

testosteron is also one of the type of androgen

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Also need clarity on a few more things Vijayalakshmi mam.
Link between not TT. it is the immunization done by WHO. more vaccination more chances of devolping gulf war syndrom and WHEN I met head of FDA OF USA he said all vacciene like "hepatitis" may lead to false +ve test for AIDS.
Because genes of viruses like chiken pox, hepes, diffteria, missesles, hepatitis are same with change in gene strand orientation(i don't know what it means). this can lead to misleading lab reports. I am not in to genelogy. So try to link these factors and decide.

we may have number of varieties of treatment methods, but unless we know the nidana and the samprapthi and avoid the nidana and samprapthi vighatana according to that possibility of reoccurance of the disease is more.

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
During respiration in normal condition it is diaphrematic in nature.
If there is any difficulty in breathing then musles of chest take the load. Deergha swasa,
during which neck mucles get involved and this leads to compression of neck verbre due to insertion point of muscles.
Actuvally rhis is nothing but Avalambaka kapha dusti at त्रिक which leads to spondylosis. Everybosy has notion that spondylosis is a bone disorder No, it is disorder of muscle leading to bone rubbing.
All the tretment you do intitially is mamsa dhatu treatment, next it is asthi and mamsa and majja.

This involvement of neck and thorasic muscle was studied in case of ladies getting spondylosis
after breast implantation and corrective surgery for to increase in breast size.
We applied it to shwasa and also any variation in chest. this lead to Avalambaka kapha.

End if drilling and posting

In some research paper which I cannot recollect properly interaction of the harmonal antigens through sweat between two persons particularly  while sleeping creates both positive and negetive effects in the other person in all aspects like personality, and physical health etc., in children harmones are stilldeveloping and in elderly people it is properly developed or problem creating harmone may be there which interacts withthe other persons antigen. this again pranayatana and prana vikruthi ( see pranayatana in and both if you make out the deferance and corelate with the modern pathophysiology I think you can understand better in present terms)

fbroadnoma in adolocence is connective tissue problem

Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
Ganesh Sir and Vijayalakshmi Madam thank-you so much for clarifying our doubts so patiently.

Vd Saraswathi Sharma K:
Can we pl have a detailed discussion on rajaswala niyamas and the practical implications. I was of the opinion earlier that were formed keeping in mind the socio economic factors as well as psychological factors. Now I am not so sure. Avoiding snana etc for 3 days and staying in a corner not mixing with anyone or touching any edibles, clothes etc is a common practice amongst many sections of the society including mine. I thought earlier it was to provide physical rest for women atleast at a time they are bound to experience weakness. Now I don't think that alone is the reason. Also avoiding any form of shringar i thought was intended more in psychological aspect. But our texts detail about the I'll effects with each and every type of shringar . In such a scenario a thorough discussion about the possible scientific and logical reasoning behind the rajaswala niyamas and how disregarding them in the current scenario might affect a female's health will help us all


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