Vinaya Ballakur:
Dear Vaidyas, If you remember , I had asked for solution for a 75 year old professor with early Kampa vata lakshanas.
I am happy to inform that patient has considerable relief. Finger tremors are almost negligible now and patient is able to write and type without any difficulty. The response is there after one month of treatment and very positive over the last one week.
I had given, Brahmi ghritham 10 ml per day which patient used to take with food, murdhini brahmi thailam pichu, Ashwagandha churnam at bedtime, trivrith lehyam at 7 pm as well as triphala churnam . I have not given kapikacchu as it was an early case . I thank you all for suggestions🙏
Inventor Dr.A.K. Sharma:
अब हमने यह जान लिया है कि
1.डायबिटीज क्यों होती है?
2.ब्लड शुगर क्यों बढ़ा हुआ है?
3.अग्न्याशय क्यों ठीक से काम नहीं कर रहा है?
4.बीटा - सेल्स क्यों असक्रिय हो गए/ मर गए?
5.इंसुलिन का स्त्राव क्यों रूका या फिर इंसुलिन अपना कार्य - ब्लड ग्लूकोज का पाचन एवं सात्म्यीकरण क्यों नहीं कर पा रही?
6.डायबिटीज कैसे ठीक हो सकती है?
"अब हम भारत को डायबिटीज हब नहीं बनने देगें। " -
डॉः ए.के.शर्मा, आयुर्वेदिक डायबिटीज मुक्तिदाता
आदरणीय चिकित्सक बन्धुओं!, उज्जैन के अखिल भारतीय चिकित्सा सम्मान समारोह में उक्त सभी अनुसंधानो पर वृहत चर्चा होगी।
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
sorry this is a bit late, I am not opening old arguments
vyayama in case of prameha is not ordinary either it is "yojanaani shatam yayaat" that is walking in away that you donot get srama shwasa, or with wts but a slow increase of time with out burdening with wt. i.e. 1 pound.
Any vyayama where person sweats before suger level comes under control increases keton production.
so when advice vyayama advicce slow increase of time and strain not sudden along with early dinner.
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
Vaidyas can you please help me regarding to get relief from severe shoola at lower back at (ischial tuberosity)cannot move my left lower limb this incidence has been repeating for past 3yrs yearly once however X -ray findings revealed normal when got checked during my 1st time when presented with shoola. No daha,suptata associated during my past treating of myself had applied dashanga lepa not taken MYG(Guggulu)no relief from shoola.kindly suggest.
2)Have one more query can Guggulu preparations be taken along with pain killers or NSAID's.or to be avoided.
3)Twice I have experienced moorcha (micturation syncope )in midnight while attending to Mootra Vega, even yesterday night it happened.for few minutes I was not conscious.have not resumed to my work as even my wife was tensed.
Kindly guide me.
However this shoola persists for 2-3days & subsides after taking painkiller.had taken Orthopaedic opinion also.
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
try if allopathy vicks action 500 1-1-1
if ayurveda dashamoola katutraya kashaya (preferably single strength) 2-2-2 tsf add 1/2 glass of water and take.
along with rumayog plain of zandu (MYG with rasnadi kashaya)
liv 52 drops not syrup / or livex / nirosil syrup (not tablet) half tsf every one hour
In these condition treatment of prathishyaya works better than direct asthi majja chikitsa.
there is logic and lab report behind this answer not just prescription.
Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Sir...waiting for your detailed response relating to pratishyay& asthi majja chikitsa! Dhanyawaadagalu🙏🙏
Vinaya Ballakur:
Vd. Vishwanathji ,We might treat it on the lines of katigraha. Vata vitiated in its main sthana aggravated due to cold weather.
You might take Ashtavargam and gandharvahastadi kashayam 10 ml twice daily, ekangveer ras one tab twice a day and trayodashang guggulu two tabs twice a day. Externally kottamchukkadi thailam might give relief.
Matra vasti with eranda thailam also can be considered.
Micturition syncope may be due to sudden dip in bp which will be relieved with ekangveer Ras I think.
Please do M. R. I, and see any other internal problem related to bladder or intestines or anal canal
you have micturation syncope only in midnight or in any other time also?
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
No madam .Had only in midnight (pitta kala)I felt its bcoz of medication.
If you can medication and get relief then fine otherwise you can take aragwadhadi kashaya night after food
1tsf with equal quantity of water. So that midnight disturbances will be avoided
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
there is DD
instead of MRI. Bend completly so your hand touches the floor, wait for appro. 30 sec.
then Straighten fast, if giddiness is felt, then you have functional anemia. This can cause Bhrama, timira darshan. Needs hematinic for 3 months. Rotate head side to side fast if there is bhrama they mild spondylosis. Needs shwasahara Dravya
Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
Sir this I had experienced when I was cleaning my water tank at home almost 2weeks back after getting up from bending had felt brama but I had bended for more than 5minutes
Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
vijayalakshmi mam namastey. your observation is superb. Today one more PCOS case associated with Hirsutism attended my clinic. Aged 17 yrs addicted to horror movies. I advised to stop watching horror movies. How is this particular nidana causing Hirsutism? Pls elaborate. Most important what is the chikitsa sutra for this nidana?
Vinaya Ballakur:
I think horror movies, WWF ---> increase of testosterone levels in girls---> hirsuitism.
Vijayalakshmi mam ,is it so?
How to interpret in Ayurveda?
Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
I was also thinking in that line mam. Not directly testosterone, it may trigger adrenaline secretion.
Vinaya Ballakur:
Also need clarity on a few more things Vijayalakshmi mam.
Link between inj.TT and fibroadenoma breast.
Link between fibroadenoma in child and sleeping with parents during periods.
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
It's yadbhavam tat bhavathi
TRY TO think in Ayurvedic lines this hormones and chemicals should be used to understand.
it is not final as when you get involved "रागादि "gets agravated, anything in Ayoga, atiyoga, mithyayoga leads to disease.
If you like anyone you start imitating that person. This in turn can agravate shareerika dosha influencing "manasika dosha" "doshaabhighata" or atipravruthhi. It can trigger pittutory/ thyroid etc Prana-sthana. प्राणोत्र— leading to change in heart beat, respiration, vagus nerve function etc.
this is our interpretation. end result is same. treatment first nidana parivarjana, sadvrutta, na-vegadharana / vega dharana
Next if they do it then treatment for prana dusti.
disease menifestation is shira -prana sthana... prane मुहुर्मुहुः
@ Vinaya, Vijayalaxmi, Rajyalaxmi n Ganesh vds.
The difference between Feminism and Feminity makes all the difference of ongoing discussion I feel.😊
Vinaya Ballakur:
Feminism is assertion not aggression
Thank you Sir for detailed explanation. Atipravrutti (addiction of any kind)is the nidana for many diseases. You have said prana dushti, does it mean pranavaha srotas dushti? Any insights on how we can plan treatment ,say in hirsutism case?
Do you mean dharana, dhyana etc. to pacify prana or some medication
Or textual references of pranavaha sroto dushti and chikitsa will have to be followed
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
doshabhighata chikitsa not dhyana dharana as they are of avara satva
Minutes is not important getting up is the test
Nidanastatu varjanam
Sir... swashahara dravya in spondylosis???
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
yes. try to analyze it on the basis of neck and chest anatomy and physiology / mechanesum of respiration.
if logic fails, then I will explain.
भ्रमस्तिमिर दर्शनं -मज्जा क्षय लक्षण
timira darshna due to various resons, one is as i have stated functional anemia / (my term). ie. blood does not function properly or it doesnot mentain its physiological functions.
Actuvally what happens to blood when you suddenly get up from a sitting possition?
if you under stand this there is no need for MRI in this case.
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