Dec 27, 2016

Discussions on 27/12/2016

Dr.nageswr Gokul:
@Dr.. Venumadhav
For your case BCG adenitis.
I advise.
First 1 week:
NallaThumma (Acacia nilotica)Bark kashayam.
8th day to 10th day:
Neem bark kashayam.
Above kashayam reduces toxity of steroids.
11th day onwords:
Gandhak rasayanam-100 gr.
divya sindhooram-10 Gr.
Rasa sindhooram -10 Gr.
Vyadhiharana rasayanam-10 Gr.
Mix these well. Bid dose. As per patient Bala.
Jatyadi ghrita
Ganga sindhuram with go ghrita ext apply.

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Good suggestion as I had one child patient with mild cramps and sort of seizures, tests EEG, etc were normal. After enquiring, they were giving pediasure regularly.
Advised serum calcium and found it was high. Rectified DC and diet. In last 3 months no complaint except worried about insufficient nutrition.
But what I am worried is rules / regulation/ moderation of total group.
We need some pattern to post questions; so that instead of just precription
there will be a guide line for further treatment and feed back from person who recived advise.

Prescriptions are needed to boost the morale/ to spread knowledge.
I can only sugest; but with out any feedback and pattern to ask for advice. We will be in more of a quicksand than crossing river in a  small boat.
My efferort is to retain the thought process in Ayurvedic tract, any medicine is OK / as long as it gives relief.
this is for group as whole not to any person.

So far no response,
may be need for explanation
pattern to ask is to decide why allopathic anti-biotics failed?
Ayurvedic approach means — i have one coolegue who was working in ICU and his father aged 72 or 76 was admitted to ICU with cardiac problems and concluded as muliple blocks, and sclerotic changes.
He was under monitering and my friend was in charge of ICU "yes Ayurvedic doctor"; he observed that every day at 12 to 1 PM and night 1 to 2 AM ECG changed. Already he was declared unfit for OP. and he was consulted US and it is nothing but  मध्यान्हे मध्यरात्रे वा पित्तं.
So started with sharat and greeshma pittahara chikitsa
It worked and he was able to be own for about 4 years.
I hope this will not create more confusion.

1.  Time how much time they allot for each patient
2.  1st visit how much they can ask
3.  Wheather they can get new reports
4.  List of medicines they are using totally (If they came for HT, then any medicine for meha, apasmara, cholesterol etc.
5.  If they are on any medicine & wheather they had any relief or not
6.  If there was relief then why they want to change the doctor or treatment

In second visit can they get all the complaints; from head to toe. This is needed to diagnose.
Next question if above things are possible.


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