Dr.nageswr Gokul:
Dr. Srikanth
For your varicose ulcer case
I suggest
Guggulu tiktaka ghrita
Saptavimshathi guggulu2 tid
Arjunarishta 20 ML bid
Prakshalana with Triphala kashaya
Jatyadi ghrita ext. application.
Diet Corection.
Foot elevation.
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Great prescription
But mention dose in gms as 2 tid is misleading
I have seen saptha vimshat, kaishora, Cp vati weight varying from 125 mg to 2 gms
I my self use Cp vati 800 mg, shiva gutika wt 3 gms / tab (full dose 10gms/day for adult)
I thought it might be better to share diet to be prescribed in Ayurvedic practice as yesterday a child was bought with moon face after taking swasahara yoga’s.
DC was defective
RC was defective
Ahara was defective
Food Process was defective. I am sharing last one.
Preparing food in non-stick items dangerous as in case of “dosa”. Use of iron pan will give you daily dose of iron.
Seasoning in iron ladle will also give iron in ionic form.
Use of aluminum vessel, if not working in sun will create heavy metal toxicity (ICMR)
Use of bronze without tin coating creates toxicity, change of taste.
Copper vessel water for vegetarians will cause liver damage (kept overnight, use silver)
Most of autisum or manasa rogi’s are victims of micro-mineral deficiency. And have these history. Zn and tin are most essential minerals to maintain healthy intestine (govt. GO). Very low dose.
Use of non-stick items, Teflon coating, non-dipping of ladel in rasam while seasoning, vessels without tin coating are few causes of varied behavior patterns in higher socity.
Use of aluminum vessels is cause of hepatic and bone problems in lower middle class.
If possible check these in patients, but charge for that as dieticians charge 500/- for their idiotic prescriptions.
I am bit uncivilized.
Dr.nageswr Gokul:
@Dr.. GANESHA kumar
Dose of
Sapta vimshathi guggulu is
1 Gram tid.
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
thank you. I use the same dose, upto 10gms per day one karsha. enquried as new vd use tid with baidyanath/ dpl wich are 250 mg / 125 mg tablets. I prepare and use.
Vinaya Ballakur:
How about clay vessels. All micronutrients are found in prithvi mahabhuta .Many people are now switching over to clay vessels.
Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Got inspired by my American friend..just got two pots...didn't start cooking in it though! ( should seek grandma's advice from heaven😀)
Last date of admission for MD/MS Ayurveda course is extended to 30 dece if u r interested to perceive education at SDM, Hassan, Karnataka.. please contact 9448064277/9481400848
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
maufactureing or preparing clay vessel is a great tecnology.
generally they ask for what? how much you cook, what you store etc. As pot for each curds, butter milk, rasam, non-veg, frying, dry fry each has a different mode of preparation.
So micronutrients in clay vessels may be avilable if "Kumbara" does it.
when I was young elderly pot maker was incharge. So slight knolege is there.
instead of inspired by others, we should inspire others.
Dr.Madhavi Rao:
If action s got stagnated......to inspire others..inspiration is a great way to start......🙏
Has anyone analysed the cause of adhd or autism? Practically or theoretically?
Is garbhapamana is the cause? Or defective garbihicharya? Or any specific garebhinichaya which leads to autism or Adhd? Or defect in prasoothika upachara is leading to such problems? Or is it related to prakruthi, saara satwa obtained at the time of conception? How we should analyse the nidana and samprapthi? Is there any method to prevent it? h
Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
Madam what about role of garbhaadaana kaala ?
Dr. Tameem Ansari Shaikh:
Good evening Drs.....
Can anyone help me regarding different "masi kalpana" refernce in classics....
Thank u
Payal K:
Dear all...Can u list market preparations for cough & cold in kids. I know more traditional ones but I want to know OTC medicines with good results for wheezing, cold & cough...How about pankajkasturi syrup
and Graha vyaadhi.
Mothers sufferd by PCOS... incidence is high in ADHD and autistic ...got info from Research scholar IIMHA ...special education scholar...
Due to "garbhini vimaananam".
Maananam is a 'maanasa guna' by respecting the desires of pregnant, usually during period of 5, 6, 7 and 8th month.
This is exactly, the period suggested for "SEEMANTA-UNNAYANA SAMSKAARA" otherwise a 'garbhini samskaar' many ayurvedists are practising in the name of 'garbha samskaar'. This is only a replica of "douhrida maananam".
'Seemanta' are sutures (including fontanella) of the scalp and suggest the brain development. 'Unnayana' is a procedure to upgrade the brain development and it's functions.
For current days, it is applicable not only to traditional celebration but also ANC classes.
We, here, can offer
*ICE- ing of pregnancy,
*YOGA training,
*Music therapy,
*Saatvika pathana-drishya-shravanaandam,
*Edibles, etc.
Anything against the above may be the cause of AUTISM.
@ Vd. Paayal. K
You will get all range of paediatric useful drugs in syrup form.
Ayurmol, antipyritic/analgesic
Kho-kho, anti tussive
Ezoxy, bronchodilator
Acurti, urt-antibiotic
Bacinil, diarrhea
Zoemit, vomiting
One more triple action syp of ALOPA PHARMA
A 3 forte, anti inflammatory
Vinaya Ballakur:
Bresol syrup 1/2 tsf to 1 tsf in children older than 6 months
Its from Himalaya , haridra is main ingredient.
Can be combined with septilin syrup or drops
Mamata Bhagwat:
Kofol syp from Charak
Zeal from vasu
Commonly used ones
Apart from bresol and septilin
Geetha Rani:
Sushruta Aacharya while explaining rutumati charya quotes -
"मारुतायाससेवनादुनमत्तो गर्भों भवतीत्येवमेतान परिहरेत"
Ati vayu sevana and parishrama during menstruation leads to formation of unmatta garbha during the following ovulatory cycle.
Here Dalhana says unmatta as -
"उनमत्तो वातालः" which refers to conditions like ADHD, Autism etc.
In autism, Adhd - one of the major causative factors is excessive maternal stress
# leads to formation of unmatta garbha if the lady conceives in the immediate following ovulatory cycle
Vinaya Ballakur:
ADHD, Autism incidence 5 times more in boys compared to girls. So is beeja dosha the culprit rather than rithumathi charya and garbhini vimaananam.
Geetha Rani:
Study reveals why autism is more common in males | Fox News
Vinaya ma'am. In my observation those with pcos, diabetes, thyroid during pregnancy and taking medication for same do not give birth to autistic children/ Adhd children. But definitely those who take antidepressants during pregnancy are more prone to give birth to autistic, Adhd or children with other learning disabilities
According to one research, those who adopt a very young child - just born or 3 months baby from orphanage seem to develop some sort of learning disability at some point as they grow up. Hyperactivity too is observed in such children
If thyroid problems are not properly addressed during pregnancy, the born child is more prone for mental retardation
Vinaya Ballakur:
Thank you Vd . Geeta for sharing your observations.
The one on adopted children is interesting. Early deprivation of parental love is indicated though baby may be loved and cared for later by adoptive parents
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
what kind of kids you get to treat?
again I am questioning- no doubt; but to kids you have to be careful.
Any cough syrup with camphor give in less dose repetedly.
Always use rasna yoga and kamadugha or yasti together.
from dabur there is sithopala leha type preparation.
we use depending on their food, but cogh after fever shashivilas, or in midnight cough Nirocil syrup.
liv 52 drops, septillin, spasma of charak. koflet,
pushakara moolasava & dashamoola katutraya 1:1/4 tsf gives good result.
In cough if child opens the mouth yasti + kamadugha+ sithopaladi (Indication of ula inflamation)
Best is rasna guggulu powdred and mixed with nirocil syrup
about pankaj kasturi -NO
it contains rasa manikya, and gives very good results.
But it has a definite action on brain. once you prescribe patient will take on his own and 2 things
1.you loose the patient
2. most improternt —--it's acumulative toxin unless you are totally in control after 5 to 6 years child may devalop toxicity symtoms. you will not relate to pankaj kasturi.
SORRY I am for learning where not to prescribe than where to prescribe.
thank you, all the vaidyas for sharing your observation and theclarity abour the garbhinicharya etc., its scientific expalnation.
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
the change in the child is due to two reasons
1. According st.johns doctors since parents are unknown it is difficult to estimate their respone drugs.
2. My idea —if they don't know they are adopted, with too much pampering of one parent
then adjustebility disorders manifest.
one of my patient was suffering from chronic Bronchitis and Rhinit is and she was under treatment for the same at the time of conception, and during pregnency and after delivery she was under medication for bronchities on and off both allopathic and ayurvedic. her child is suffering from adhd and now he is 6 years now he is comparitively better and attending the regular school. what is your opinion regarding the same
Geetha Rani:
Ma'am I have seen many mother's taking nebulization repeatedly during pregnancy for their respiratory problems. In few cases child born will be having low birth weight. Some attention and concentration problems might be noted in the child but ADHD??? doubtful as per my observation. ADHD, ASD, LD - these are problems of the CNS. In most of these cases left side of the brain is more active. There is delay in co-ordination between left and right side of the brain especially in autism.
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