Dec 20, 2016

Discussions on 20/12/2016

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
I did not get the drift. Can admin and moderaters explain what the group wants?

if discussion should be limited to Jwara - give sudarshana, amrutarista/ laghu/madu/swarana -malini vasantha?
If So group members should be like Bhikshuka or they can try to become krishika?
If it is to follow text, what was going on was rurtumathicharya of sushruta, not out of text.

I am bit slow in these indirect aspects.

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Sir! We definitely want you to guide us with your vast experience of practice with patients!🙏 if any thing wrong....please excuse 🙏

👍👍has anybody saw the practical demonstration of this instrument. It was there in Hindu spiritual Mela in bangalore, I could not see it as it was not opened on the day when I visited. The report will be like scanning report it seems. We should check its application in day today practice. If anyone know more about this matter please share

Swathi Tumma:
Learing very much important and useful things thanku very much gurijis for sharing with us🙏🙏

Dr.Vishwanath Dixit:
Would like to echo the same🙏to Vaidyas for thought provoking discussions.,.&helping us to gain knowledge.

Payal K:
Has anybody cured thyroid cases completely . If yes in how many months and can you share your experience

Kotla sunitha:
Rajyalaxmi thank u for the reference of chandraprabhavati , now I will try to add this drug for anovulatary cycles

Vinaya Ballakur:
Coming to thyroid disorders, autoimmune thyroid disorders are on the rise due to mandatory consumption of iodised salt in many countries. Plenty of researches on the harm caused by iodised salt , yet governments continue to aid its marketing.

Geetha Rani:
Through the above PDF I'm trying to highlight the concept of the inter relation between Manas and buddhi. Both are affected in autism. The chikits should be at the level of Manas, buddhi and Aatma level. Autism comes under aadidaivika vyadhi. This is my inference by close observation lot of autistic children

Vinaya Ballakur:
Manovaha srotas and pranavaha srotas both require correction . It is great that our science speaks about channels of circulation for mental activities too.

Geetha Rani:
Aatmaa manasaa samyujyate!
Manam indriyena indriyam arthena gnyanotpattihi!!
This entire process is hampered in autism and actual treatment should be aimed at establishing the proper connection between Aatma Manas indriya and respective indriyartha.

Vinaya Ballakur:
आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु। बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रगहमेव च॥ इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुíवषयांस्तेषु गोचरान्‌। आत्मेन्द्रियमनोयुक्तं भोक्तेत्याहुर्मनीषिणः॥

Your approach reminded me of the link between atma, manas, sharira and indriya as said in kathopanishad

Connection between all four atma, manas, indriya and sharira is disturbed. In the article , it is said that autistic children face more physical illnesses and low  immunity than others.

You are working in a challenging area. Keep us posted on new inputs in this area. 🙏

Geetha Rani:
The most common problems with autistic children I have seen - sleep disturbances (very less sleep) constipation, urti and ear discharge, they are usually very heavy eaters or poor eaters but picky eaters, unusual fevers (few resembling balagraha),
Autistic children's immunity can be very well built up with rasayana chikitsa but what is a mystery is to establish connection between Aatma, Mana, indriya and sharira appropriately

Vinaya Ballakur:
Manas doshas rajas and tamas  have to be evaluated along with sharirika doshas I feel.
The link between panchamahabhuta, tridosha and triguna .

For an approach through Ayurveda or maybe Ayurveda + Yoga we may have to understand autism through Ayurveda. But its not easy . At least 80 diseases are covered under autistic spectrum disorders. How to evaluate it on basis of tridosha and triguna?

Geetha Rani:
It is very difficult to evaluate autism based only on tridosha and triguna.  That's why I mentioned autism as an aadidaivika vyadhi. It involves multiple dimensions - Aatma, Mana, indriya - indriya artha samyoga, buddhi. Aatma cannot be assessed on the basis of tridosha or triguna. It is beyond these dimensions

Vinaya Ballakur:
Purvajanma, karma, sukshma shareera impressions everything will come into picture

Tridosha and triguna will however help in identifying presenting symptomatology

since the body and mind are seat of disease

and the expression is obvious on body and mind. But coming to chikitsa , we may have to think about spiritual treatment in addition to restoration of dosha and guna balance.

Hope gurujan and thinking Vaidyas will give more suggestions and correct wrong inputs if any.

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Have you found solution of your doubt? If not then about which in the sloka you have doubt?

Vd Saraswathi Sharma K:
Sorry for interrupting the discussion. Can anyone give inputs about any experience regarding pneumobilia. Any idea if pneumobilia can trigger any neurological events including seizures.

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Forunatly or not as "Vinaya Ballakur" pointed out Iodine can cause and cure thyroid. easiest way to create iodine free salt is to fry it. (advice of a 8th pass store keeper aged 65)
If there is a cure I am attaching report I got today.
when she came 2 months back; she was on 100 mcg of thyroxin. we reduced it to 50 mcg. Changed the DC. (medicine not given) and after 2 months her report. you can see. today reduce dose by 25 mcg. Still no medication.
But excuse my hand Writing; also clarity .


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