Dec 20, 2016

Discussions on 18/12/2016

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Try Eulactin of Guffic pharmacy. Single dose 6 tablets, if milk does not increase with in 1/2 hour repete. then also no improvement then ask how and where she is feeding in the room or hall. once milk increases then 2 tab TID.

if nutrition or hormon defect then quantity of milk will increase. with in 2 hours.

Dr.Rekha Hegde:
Dhayavad sir 🙏 Nutrition is normal sir. First 3days she was upset about c- section & Baby with Respiratory distress. Then her Manasa Bhava is good

Have you given tikta jeeraka to her in first 10 days?

If no then give tikta jeeraka phanta early morning for till she feels tikta Rasa while consuming then gradually breast milk increases

Dr.Rekha Hegde:
Yes madam, she has taken tikta Jeeraka, dhayavad 🙏🙏

Vinaya Ballakur:
Along with the other advice suggested , give a warm cup of milk or some nourishing soup half an hour before feed . Even a glass of water before feed helps. Rasakshaya must be prevented since stanya is upadhatu of Rasa.

In my practice I got results with Tab. Leptaden two tabs thrice daily. It starts showing  result after 48 hours to one week.

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Same leptadin in high dose

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Same leptadin in high dose, 6tabs will give results in 1/2 hour if ama is absent

Vd Saraswathi Sharma K:
What's tikta jeeraka?

Was going thro all the information now. Thank u all for the wonder full discussions .many thanks to Vd.Ganesh sir. Vd.Vinaya maam Vd Vijayalaxmi maam .🙏🙏

Vd Saraswathi Sharma K:
Thank you. In which form is it usually advised. Is it a better stanya vardhaka than methika

Dr.Madhavi Rao:

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
It is shodhana, usually in costal Karnataka and Maharashtra it is used after delivery, to prevent vata prakopa due dhatu kshaya / or Inflammation. Generally after delivery it is given in the morning like tea, exact procedure may vary. one peculiar thing is that it is not bitter 1st or 2nd day. (गन्धन नाश) 3rd day it is bitter, 4th day refuse to drink. Then it is stopped. procedure or reasons in folk remedy. तत्र वृद्धनारीणां अधिकारः सुश्रुत ।

As per the text it is not stanya vardhaka directly, but by its deepana pachana action and garbhashaya vishodhana action

Indirectly it acts as stanya vardhaka once the stotras shodhana happens. It is customary to use it in South canara and kerala immediately after delivery. By its utrine contraction action it clears the remnants completely

जीरकत्रितयं  रूक्षं कटूष्णं दीपनं लघु । संग्राही पित्तलं मेध्यं गर्भाशयविशुद्धिकृत् ॥ ज्वरघ्नं पाचनं वृष्यं बल्यं रुच्यं कफापहम् । चक्षुष्यं पवनाध्मानगुल्मछर्द्यतिसारहृत् ॥

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
I would suggest            formula of               U-lactin of Guffic — — as it is rasa dhatu dosha hara. We have used it extensively in shwasa श्वास (approx. 200 to 300 patients 10 to 20,000 tablets) “not tamaka” which is indication of field of action.
We have used sthanya vardhaka dravya’s in shwasa extensively, they are better than marketed products for  shwsa due to rasa dhatu bala khshaya.

Vinaya Ballakur:
What are its ingredients?

and how are you using it for Shwasa ? dosage , anupana  etc.

Vd Saraswathi Sharma K:
Thank you Ganesh sir and Vijayalakshmi mam. I was a bit hesitant to ask about tikta jeeraka but glad I asked. Learnt a new point. Can anyone from telangana or AP pl tell if we use it here also and if yes what's the local name.

Sir how did you stumble upon the idea of using stanya vardhaka dravyas in swasa? Swasa mostly vata kaphatwakam and stanya vardhakas might increase kapha i think. Pl excuse if  I am wrong in my assumption I don't have ready reference for my inference but since it's brumhana i assume it's kapha vardhaka.

Dr.Madhavi Rao:

My neighbours use it frequently.....( Bengali 's)... We too use but not frequently.....

Dr.Rekha Hegde:
Tikta Jeeraka is different from Shahijeera

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Seems jeelakarra is what we call...but some use shahi jeera too...

Vinaya Ballakur:
and how to identify shwasa due to rasadhatu bala kshaya. What is its DD with other five kinds of Shwasa

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
i did not stuble, it is logic & application of basic principle. only you have to think in a different manner.
explanation will be by Dr.vijyalaksmi

it is U-lactin not eu-lactin sorry, explanation later needs approval for english spellings.

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Is it tamaka swasa?

Vinaya Ballakur:
Not " tamaka  shwasa" is mentioned in the post

Dr.Madhavi Rao: stanya vardhaka is tarpana...maha swasa..urdhwa swasa& chinna swasa ...need tarpana! So  here stantavardhaka can be used in swasa?? Am I correct? Waiting for your logical response

Rasa tarpana****

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Regarding shwasa totally it has a relation to 47 diseases in various stages; (ref. of Madhava Nidana by Late Dr.Rama Prasad Alwar & Dr.T.R.Dattari) as roopa, Poorva roopa, upadrava, etc.
There are two ways to diagnose shwasa. One is through lab reports another is logic. One is very short. And logic is very long.
Shwasa कफवातात्मकवेतौ पित्त स्थान समुद्भवौ  how due you Identify it? Take the history and  if it is repeated episodes then they want relief and cure. Send for LFT, haemogram.
If haemogram is defective then rasa dhatvagni defective. Check by asking ras dusti / vruddi lakshana like sleshma agni sadana —-ati-nidrata. (diva swapna etc.)
When ksheera is dusta; what is used for ksheera shuddi is treatment for rasa dusti. Easiest way out.

biggest head ache is understanding tamaka shwasa is prathyatma lakshana. we equate it to asthama and go to treatment of tamaka shwasa. It is not. We accept asthama as tamaka for only one reason. moment doctor says asthama patient accepts incureable and there is no hurry to cure it. patient will not blame doctor and accept his/her fate. Family h/o final nail of diagnosis.
problem is it is not hereditory nor asthama = tamaka.
We are deviating from the subject. So admins should agree and
If somebody states lab tests  of asthama then we can proceed even if it is out of present topic of study.
Actuvally what is the topic of discussion?

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Sir it is tarpana rt?

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Actuvally stanya vardhana need not be tarpana in the sense of wt increase etc. tarpana can be correcting also.
no doubt discussion is around rasa — fibro adenoma / Brama / shwasa/ soothikopachara/ lactation.
may be we are deviating too much; and confusing others also?

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Sir bhrama...& majja dhatu kshaya was related..

Rasa tarpana& swasa too are related ...discuss is on track...rt sir!

Only fibro adenoma im not able understand?

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Sthana of what? rasa -upadhatu

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Good morning sir! Fibro adenomas & sleep patterns& places....

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
"ट्रिप् पूरणे" धातु of तर्पण ie to fill. Rt?
Where ever tarpana is mentioned srotas is to be filled with Dhatu if not done then vata fills that space and dosha chaya /prakopa/ lakshana are created.  this long sentence is given in one word tarpana / Dhatu "ट्रिप् पूरणे" hope this is OK?

Vinaya Ballakur:
Welcome to CAV prime group mam 🙏

Dr. Mamatha Bhagwat is a professor at Bangalore.

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Welcome mamta avare💐

Mamata Bhagwat:
Namaskar everyone. 🙏🙏

Thank you Vinaya mam for joining me. 🙏🙏

Thanks Madhavi mam for introducing me🙏🙏

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
"not tamaka" means prakopa in "दुर्दिन" should be absent. "मेधाम्बुशीत प्राग्वातैः श्लेष्मलैश्च विवर्धते"
In case of sthanya doshahara dravya prayoga above should be absent.
This is shortest answer I can provide. It can be used as a supportive therapy in all variety of श्वास with good result.

Fibroadenoma in adolescence is not carcinoma or related to that. It is a connective tissue problem where surgery is not the only solution. Blood and lymph are also connective tissues.

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
this is related to भ्रम - "भ्रमःतिमिर दर्शनम्" is majja kshaya agree. Why left out  "कफे भ्रमः"
Always doshadi vijnaneeya, doshabhediya, doshopakramaneeya is to be refered. रसवृद्धि lakshana same as कफ वृद्धि. So कफे भ्रमः is to be applied to rasa also along with mentioned rasa kshya lakshana.

Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
Maize sprouts  on empty stomach increases lactation immediately. Sadya stanya pravartanam. Its our grandmas kit.

@Ganesh Sir and Vijayalakshmi mam. Gurubyaam namah.Sleeping with parents a causative factor for fibroadenoma of  breast .....
In this connection one more doubt am expressing. Pls explain. "A female new born sleeping with mother (21 days she menstruates)suffers  any hormonal related abnormalities in future?" One more thing I wish to inform is in our families we never allow new born to sleep with mother prior 21 days. During feeding only allows mother to touch baby.

This we have not observed in newborn cases. But we have observed many children suffer from one or the other disorder at time or immediately after mother's mc time. For regular pts we see the Priscription date and enquire or if they come with the history of repeated infections, even after giving antibiotics many time, child is suffering, then we enqire about mother's mc and we treat mother along with the child. Usually we ask the mother to take C..P Vati during mc or prior to that if pmt is observed

Our native people will not allow menstruating women to lift child, if it is mother or somebody else.

Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
Madam what is the role of chandraprabhavati here?

Raghavendra Rao.S:
Shouchāshoucha criteria in balagraha

This we have not observed in newborn cases. But we have observed many children suffer from one or the other disorder at time or immediately after mother's mc time. For regular pts we see the Priscription date and enquire or if they come with the history of repeated infections, even after giving antibiotics many time, child is suffering, then we enqire about mother's mc and we treat mother along with the child. Usually we ask the mother to take C..P Vati during mc or prior to that if pmt is observed

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
Can you quote Cp vati action from sharangadhara?

Dr.Rekha Hegde:
Small doubt Sir, usually children are wished to sleep with mother upto 7-8 yrs,

Yes you are true. Even after that both children and parents doesn't want to sleep separately. In very young children it is the duty of the mother to make the child sleep safely and with security. But sometimes even they have to face the Problems also. Upto 7 or 8 years we will not ask the child to sleep separately after that we council the child as well as the parents also. Once the secondary sexual characters starts developing we advice not to sleep together

In some tribe in andra they will test the girl atthe time of menarchy, that she should water the plants, if the plant survives then she can mingle with every body , if plant dies then they should not mingle with any body at the time of mc. can anybody find the scientific logic behind this. first confirm is it true

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
There is a procedure in Upanayana samskara called maatru bhojana where mother feeds the child, before  child leaves to gurukula, after that she can serve; not feeding. (age =8)
In Indian  culture also once breast feeding stops child is left with grand-parents, Not parents. Hence you will not find these things in a time where nuclear family was absent. These started only with advent of nuclear family .  But it does not manifest any one of following conditions are present.

Parents work is physical, they sweat due to physical work for livelihood. 2. Children have physical work out specially “मुष्ठियुद्धं कुशलैः”.  3.Not exposed to a/c,  chilled drinks. 4. Allowed to play physical games like “ kabbadi, coco, lagori,” where they need to be quick in judgment or there is physical hurt. 5. Early dinner, sleep and early getting up.

Bit long; but Ayurveda means “knowing hita/ahita.; sukham dukhsm.” So  need to state both aspects when it works when it does’t is needed.

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
So....if followed they will not have hormonal imbalance?

In upanayana...what we follow in matru bhojana is she feeds the child from her plate...and aftr that a kid after upanayana samskara......should not eat food from others plate.......even till his death....

And also sir...whose kids are with grand parents also( if parents r overseas, somewhere or died) there also its there or not? ? Was your research covered these points too?... Thnx sir🙏

प्रचरणमिव भिक्षुकस्य बीजमिव कर्षकस्य सूत्रं बुद्धिमतामल्पमप्यनल्पज्ञानाय भवति; तस्माद्बुद्धिमतामूहापोहवितर्काः, मन्दबुद्धेस्तु यथोक्तानुगमनमेव श्रेयः|

CHARAKA Vimana 8th chapter 149 Sloka  .. 🙏

Like tanduladi (rice and other eatables placed in the patra)    is for a beggar and seed  for a farmer, so as the principles / formulations of therapy  are important for a wise physician, however little they may appear in true spirit they are abundant. 

Which means if sutra or principle, though may be said in a very small phrase if analysed deeply it leads to abundant knowledge (for a wise physician)

For bhikshu tandula and other eatables procured by means of Bhikhsa though may be little but it could be a life saving measure for him.

For karshaka, seed even though may appear small but has whole tree in it.

The second line:

The wise physician is permitted to make Uha, apoha, vitarka and can decide some changes based on logic

But the one with lesser wisdom is supposed to follow what is said in the sastra as it is........... 🙏🙏

who will not have harmonal imbalance? Moher or child?

Dr.Madhavi Rao:

Dr Sridevi C:
Wonderful discussions. I've learnt a lot many new things.
About lactation- Giving Jowar rotti and garlic to the nursing mother increases lactation. Also taking sweet items and more fluids too. But nowadays all ladies are weight conscious, so they avoid sweets. But the modern doctors are of the opinion that normal food also is enough for proper lactation

Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:

Dr Sridevi C:
Though in upanayan mother feeds her son from her plate, the same rule is broken just before the marriage. If the boy grows and wants to get married then the rule is modified. But if he remains brahmachari, then he should not eat from others plate-engili.

Dr.Madhavi Rao:

This is one nidana which we have analysed. it is not the only nidana. we have told about ahara vihara also,since the clarification has been asked about this so with little knowledge and the little experince we have we try to answer the questions. even there are many children who sleep with the mother till 16 or 20 years of age are there. that does not mean vyatireka may be ture. but  those suffering children we have handled had got relief after avoiding this particlar nidana so it is anvaya roopa anyalysis not vyatireka roopa.

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Thank you ma'am! I was trying to enhance myself.....thnx for your valuable time! Its a great learning for me from all the eminent & success full vaidyas! 🙏🙏

Dr Sridevi C:
I'm Dr Sridevi from Alva's Ayurveda Medical College.
I went through the msgs just now. So thought of sharing my views. It's not too hurt or insult anyone.

Dr.Madhavi Rao:
Sridevi garu! No rule breaking even after I knew.......frm man's side......forgive me if I was wrong🙏

Dr Sridevi C:
Nothing to feel offended. That rule is only for grihasthashram. Otherwise, yes no rule breaking.

Rule is broken*****

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
To create compatibility between husband and wife eating from each other plate is done, not for comedy.

Geetha Rani:
All the discussions by Vd. Ganesh Sir, Vd. Vijayalakshmi ma'am, Vd. Vinaya ma'am, Vd. Madhavi ma'am, Vd. Raghavendra Rao Sir, Vd. Sridevi ma'am are great and provoking all of us to think in different angles.  Thank you everyone for such a beautiful discussion. I'm learning a lot with these discussions.

Thank you Vd. Rajyalakshmi ma'am. Forgot to mention your name


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