Dec 20, 2016

Discussions on 17/12/2016

Vinaya Ballakur:
Some scholarly responses about prameha purva rupa from another group.

Dantadinam maladhyatam!
Typically described in Prameh.Why?
Dant mal is derived from which dhatu?
Due to dhatvagimandya  dhatumal increase according to Charak Samhita.

...आदिशब्देन नयन्तालुकर्णादिनाम ग्रह्णम
...अत्र च मल भुयस्वम मेदोदोषात
...चिक्कणता देहे मेदःकफदुष्टे

So possibly due to tge excess dushti of meda and kapha dhaatu and excess mala from these are manifested and reflected on danta, taalu, nayan and karna also..

All प्रमेह पूर्वरूपाणि are due to मेदस् दुष्टी
As मेदःसंश्रयांस्तु प्रवक्ष्यते।
निमित्ताने प्रमेहाणां पूर्वरूपाणि यानि च।
It can be understood by referring अस्थिवहानां स्रोतसां मेदो मूलं---।
Relation of अस्थि with केश and दन्त is well known to us.
चक्रपाणी also commented
निन्दितानि प्रमेह पूर्वरूपाणि इति केशजटिलत्वादिनि तेषां एव निन्दितत्वात्।
So to conclude केश,दन्त मलवृद्धि is consequence of दुष्ट बहुमेदस् +अस्थि मल वृद्धि।
चिकीत्सा should be अपनयन of धातुगत मल by उर्ध्व/अधो मार्ग!
Now I think it is crystal clear by referring only चरकसंहिता!

Surekha Mitta Dr.:
In Charaka prameha chikisa kesa nakhati vriddhi is seen as one of the purva rupa
This is true in cases with PCOD having abnormal hair growth / hirsutism
More over those patients are prone to DM in due course .

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
This type of observation is what we need; this is to be analyzed according to text; till we find samprapthi and link to lakshana.
There is observation of veterinary doctor that in case of “nephritis” in dogs excessive  growth of nails is seen. 
Possibility of Mala vruddi due to 1. Poorva-dhatvagni vaishamya; 2. swa-dhatvagni vaishamya
3. Uttara-dhatvagni vaishamya. 
DD of agni dushti उक्त कारण in srotho-vimana need to relate cause and effect; anyway along with Nidana probable treatment.

If meha lakshana has not manifested then we can try (“this is yesterday’s thought after reading “Vinaya Ballakur” post.) Brunga raja Eclipta alba or prostrata. Both have exhibited hair growth stimulation action.
And a peculiarity of brugaraja is that in vitro 1 drop of swarasa creates complete haemolysis of RBC in 10 ml of blood. (Time needed I have forgotten may be 1 or 10 min); but interestingly it is used as haematinic and increases HB count by 2gms approx.. in vivo in month (30 ml per day. Clinical study of medical botany students of NMKRV). All allopathic oral haematinics increase by 1.7 gms maximum.
As per Bhava prakasha भृङ्गराजः -कटुकस्तीक्ष्णो रूक्षोष्णः कफवातनुत् ॥ केश्यस्त्वच्यः कृमिश्वासकासशोथामपाण्डुनुत् । दन्त्यो रसायनो बल्यः कुष्ठनेत्रशिरो अर्तिनुत् ॥.
You can see it covers asthi dhatvagni completely It is keshya, dhanthya, twachya (meda and sweda) , acts on nose, eyes, ama, teeth and maha brunga raja taila is advised as “अक्षरोगहर” not “अक्षिरोग” . Brungaraja per investigation and text it acts on rakta, meda, asthi, used in kamala, dantaroga and in used in one case of perianal abscess by one of seniors with good result (ref-BP)
Going try it in PCOD, PCOS, thyroid, meha, Prameha as it may show sroto-avarodha-hara or dhatvagni-mandyhara  action which is needed in some of patients when response to anti-diabetics is less.

Surekha Mitta Dr.:

Thank you Dr.Vinaya

There is another purva rupa " karapada daha" which is observed as peripheral neuropathy in DM and is seen as a complication . How should we see that?

Dr.Rekha Hegde:

Namaste vaidys. Sorry for interrupting the discussion, My friend aged 35, delivered by C-section at 37 weeks. Baby wt-2.4 kg, Aft 2 wks of delivery she was facing STANYA Kshaya" . Taking Shatavari kalpa(DPL), Jeeraka ksheera, sabbasige, Methika. Baby's sucking reflex - N. Mother - good sutika paricharya, deepana,swedana, vatanulomana, abhyanga-- normal.No tightness in the Breasts.  She is a dedicated Ayurvedian. Please let me know your valuable suggestions guruvarys.

Vinaya Ballakur:

Mam, I feel karapada daha is a pitta dosha or better to consider as a pitta avruta vata dosha . purvarupas are seen in sthanasanshraya stage. So maybe dosha accumulates in peripheries. 

If we look at the other symptoms just described before it it may give a wholesome view.


......शीतप्रियत्वं गलतालुशोषो माधुर्यं आस्ये करपाददाहः.....

I am not sure of madhuryam asye but the other symptoms point to pitta or pittavrutta vata lakshanas. 

Agnireva sharire pittantargataha and tapa is Pitta's cardinal lakshana its avarana over vata may be causing peripheral neuritis.

Dhatvagni which is derailed in madhumeha presents in the form of these purvarupas during sthana sanshraya of doshas. 

Srotorodha happens due to accumulation of doshas in peripheries mainly. The excess sugar in blood does not allow proper micro channel circulation according to modern theory also. 

This is what I feel. I am unable to correlate it further. 

Welcome more inputs and corrections.



Yesti madhu + babul phali powder..  Tid with milk. 


Dr.Ganesh kumar:

Soory for the deviation.

But I have a point to about DC. nearly 20 days ago one of my patients came with a reading of 40 odd reading of prostare antigen. He had taken opinions of 3 to 4 doctors, Only one said you go for re-test. He is my pstient for last 12 to 13 years. 

but never changed his DC. this time I had a point and refused medicine unless he changes DC. He agreed to get up before 7 AM, bath and breakfast at 9 Am; dinner at 8 PM.

Had the test done and report was 5 odd reading N=4.3. I don't know the antigen is stable or can flucuvate in day to day work. May be it's due to change in life-style.

Hope who ever has chance will try it; and add to the knowledge of members and if it normal (change) then inform. I don't have knowledge about these tests and reliability of thses tests.


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