TDr.Ganesh kumar:
in case of prathishya
In today's life it is a medico-surgical case; if you consider all variets where prathishyaya is present.
In such cases it is better to consider nidana samprapthi lakshana chikitsa of vagbhata.
What he says is अवश्याय —--वर्धयन्तं क्षयप्रदम् ।।
accoding to nidana treatment has to vary, single tact approach is not possible.
Only pratishaya treat it with rasana yoga's and sudha yoga together,
always add vatanulomana brumhana in the end not malaanulomana.
To under stand anupaana see
1.tribhuvana krithi
2.Ananda bhairava yoga and analyse.
3. ealier "Prof. Dr. Ravinder Chiluveru" given explanation of samskara
same holds good here also.
Aupaana is used for targeting place of action NOT IN DISEASES but to control and concentrate the action of yoga.
for eg.- use of pippali along with antibiotic decreses quntity of antibiotic needed for cure.
Also use of silver bhasma reducess creation of resistent strains
this is seen in wide acceptence of septillin of himalaya by allopaths and ayurvedic / mixopathy practioners
If more explanation needed for juniors they have to read and ask.
Vd Saraswathi Sharma K:
Sir if you don't mind would be very much grateful if you can explain why you mentioned and what exactly you meant by saying vatanulomana brumhana in the end not malanulomana. Here 2 points i didn't get clarity. Mala sameeksha na is said only in raja yakshma. I don't remember reading absolute contraindication of malanuloman anywhere else. Then why here? In all pranavayu sroto dushti anulomana helps. This is the concept i formed after going through the samprapti of hikka swasa and kasa. I believe same applies to pratisyaya also. Then why not malanulomana since unexpelled purisha too can cause avarodha to vayu marga.
Dear Vaidyas need your valuable advise. My Cousins daughter has been Detected with Fibroadenoma of breast . She is 11years old attained menarche in may this year . There has been rapid growth . It was not seen May. Was noticed recently . It has spread in all Quadrants of breast .the allopathic drs suggesting for surgery . i just started on kanchanara gugulu n varanadi kwatha .kindly help
Vd Saraswathi Sharma K:
And by brumhana in the end I take it to mean any rasayana and brumhana chikitsa to be given only in nirama avastha when agni deepthi +. Am i right in my assumption or did i miss any vital point
Large irregular mobile lump on right breast are aeriol a region
USG: giant Fibroadenoma in the rt breast
Sir whether she has taken tt for any infection recently? I. e. After her menarche. What was her life style on weekends and during mc. Habit of eating lace, kurkure etc regularly? Does she consume food given in the school (some private schools like swami narayana schools are providing in the school itself ) is she too much pampered child?
madam, vatanulomana doesn't always mean malanulomana, but malanulomana is also included in vaatanulomana. anulomana means(not literally) move in the proper direction. praana vata should move in its own path, udana and its own path etc., and should so its own work and should not disturb the others function. so also pittanulomana and kaphanulomana. so here in prathishyaya gati of all the vatas should be coreected. not expelling the mala only.
Surekha Mitta Dr.:
Use of Triphala choorna externally as lepana along with other medications in this case
Her eating habits . Home madefood only . She is the only child . She has scalp ? Psorisis using only ayuvedic medicine .
Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
Sir whether she used shatavari for long duration?
How is her built? First immediately change the milk from diary farm to local milk vendor. Start of Jasmine flowers (2) on empty stomach. If her built is stout medohar vidangadi loha 250mg at 11am with lukewarm water will help. Nagara churnam mixed with milk external application. Otherwise kanakalep ext apication will be useful. Check whether the pt is yogya for Vamana better go for Vamana in the coming vasanta Ritu.
Dr.Ganesh kumar:
two things are there-
1. I said "following vagbhata"
2. vatanuloma brumhana not malanulomana
now you asked why vatanulomana not malanulomana. vagbhata says " अवश्याय —--वर्धयन्तं क्षयप्रदम् "
prathishaya leads to kshaya not TB. It means prathishaya can be a poorva roopa of anuloma kshaya.
To prevent it's progression you need brumhana anulomana.
on this basis I advised the medicines.
hope this will clear, if needed I will explain.
even in nidana each nidana changes the treatment; but to state that aspect it needs
Bit of time and patience and response of readers. depending on readers doubts explanation changes not principle.
Since it is emergency start with Amruta kalasha of maharshi. it controls progression.
I need one information, wheather she was sleeping with parents, in same bed even during menses period of her or her mothers.
If it's so then treatment changes. but you can give MAK.
as you told changing to local vendor milk will balances the harmone to a great extent. even we have experienced it. her eating habits affects the rasaagni,in turn formation of rasadhatu and its upadhatus and its stana, adistana etc.,.since dandruff was there dhatu s and samprapthi of that also to be considered for the treatment
since the formation of adeno -fibroma has already happened, you can start with panchamritha loha guggulu, along with mak, and you have started varunadi kashaya, along with that you advice varunaadi paneeya, so that the further growth will be checked and present growth also reduces. application of daarvishatka lepa helps in softerning the growth and reducing it. continue kanchanara guggulu.
A binign tumour composed of connective and or epithelial tissue of a glandular organ.
Usually, less vascular, non inflammatory swelling in the breast.
Dr Prashanth Bhat:
Along with other medicines suggested you can give Shiva gulika manufactured by BV pandith
1 tablet 3 times a day
STANAARBUDA composed of maamsa and rakta vaha srotas and it's dhaatu.
Non painful local 'utseda' or 'shopha' is a cardinal feature of Kaphajanya 'sroto sanga' in said srotases, not in rasa vaha or stanya vaha in the presented case.
D/D required among 6 types of arbuda.
Present case involved only 'maamsa snaayu' , it seems as per reports.
1. Palliative or conservative
a. Oushadha- shothaghna, lekhana, n or karshana.
i. Baahya lepa,
ii. Aamayika prayoga
* kaashtoushadha,
* rasoushadha
b. Ksaara,
i. local,
ii. Amaika.
c. Agni, local c/i, distant
2. Surgical- paatanam as in vidradhi and vrana ropanam.
1. Dosha vyatireka chikitsa,
Ex: amrita guggulu, pancha tikta ghrita guggulu, punarnava guggulu n tiktaka ghritaas.
2. Vyaadhi vyatireka chikitsa
Ex: shila sindhuradi, kuberaakshaadi,
Vriddhi baadhika,
Baahya lepa,
1. Ashvattha kseera/churn lepa (Raavi care plaster)
2. Dashaanga lepa
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