Dec 20, 2016

Case discussions on 2/12/2016

Vd.Saraswathi Sharma. K:
sir you have always stressed on dc,ak,nidra etc. i havent seen so much emphasis on the purvarupa or rupa lakshanas. while the dietary regimen and lifestyle can be utpadaka or vyanjaka/prakopaka hetus or both and hence understanding them crucial for understanding the samprapti is it right to give lesser importance to the presentation of the disease? arent there other factors which are equally if not more important in understanding the kriyakalas or pathophysiology.

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
1st one question approx. how many diseases are explained in ayurveda along with treatment;

next why some people respond to same treatment with identical report where as some donot, why?

I always stress on what next? ie. a medicine works for 10 and not for few others with same symtoms and lab reports
reson is —— the upastambha explained in Ayurveda are Aahara, nidra, and bramhachrya vary in each patient. these donot cause disease nor cure it; but responsible for maintenence of health.

when disease does not respond to allopathy; they come to us;   we have look where they went wrong? and why?
The only place where thhey don't emphesize is these three.

Why I don't deal with poorva roopa, roopa is because there are well educated in the group to teach on these aspects.
So far i have not seen even one comment about DC, rutucahrya, and Aahara acoording to ayurveda, bramhacharya.
WHEN SOMETHING ABSENT it needs to be reminded. I am just reminding you that  "DC, RC and sadvrutta"  are also  need to be considerd in treatment. Not just medi"sin".

for eg I have not seen more than 30 cases of properly defined and diagnosed tamaka shawsa in 38 years of pactise nor before it with my mother or garnd father. but my mother 5th pass treating approx 700 cases with "asthama" and grand father more than that.
If anybody feels I am simply showing off they can say so. I do emphesize on correction but simply (understand and utilise is OK) following some 200 years old system instead of 5000 yers of knowledge is not agreeable; only if they say then only it's right , this attitude is dangrous for future.

Dr.pradp Noori:
Today's topic  random Pratishyay cold and sinusitis..
Please start the discussions

Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:

मलवेग धारणात..
शकृतःपिण्डिकोद्वेष्ट प्रतिश्याय  .....

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
we can advise tretment only when we know
1. what is your diagnosis
2. symptoms
3. proable nidana
with out this you ask for jawara tretment; i can advice
sudarshana ghana vati
ananda bhairava
tribhuvana kirthi
laghunalini vansatha
madhu malini vasantha
swarna malini vasantha
bramhi vati
shadanda with shunti / without shunti
krishana chaturmukha
vishama jawari
dhanyakadi hima
Dashamoola katu traya
yavagu from 2nd chapter
see how confusing it is ?
without knowing what you are expecting we are helpless

This is on serious note discussions were going about DUB
According to allopathy what happens in DUB; how it is different from metro or mennoragia?
Really I am ignorent about allopathic samprapthi of this disease.
Can somebody post it? I am not testing anybody but when one is ignorent asking is best.
in Net there is so much but in the end I felt I can't understand it.

Madam ... I found yoga helpful In my health condition and followed... then decided integrated therapies ... both inseparable systems Ayurveda+Yoga ...i strictly ask them to follow dinacharya +ritu charya according to both systems ... like rituwise cleansing ...shatkarmas and all... Yesss  we should propagate Ayurvedas Methodology ... Swasthaya swasthavrittam...and all...🙏... I have strong belief in AYURVEDA AND YOGA SASTRA ...
I just wanted to know more options from many for HRT replacement...

Thank you all for the Response ... as per Admins decision we move on to Today's topic ... Prathisyaya / Dushta pratisyaya ... Ended HRT...🙏

Dr.pradp Noori:
Is pratisaya kapha or pitta or vata problem

Which is the root cause
The virus or
The body immunity  or

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
almost all acute condtions in towns have their origin in vegadharana
Only need confidence and belief in text.

Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
Good morning everybody. Sir in our discussions we R missing oushada sevana kaala. simply bd, tid we R using. As per Ayurveda two annakaalas explained. What are those annakaalas? Nowadays breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner these are the things following.what are actual annakaalas? Pls explain. So that we can plan oushada kala

Dr.Ganesh kumar:
to know about lifestyle disorders have a look at    
and in case of pratishaya so far nobody answerd my question how many diseases treatment given in Ayurveda?
this was not asked without any purpose; I asked because wanted to know attitude of young vds.
If we know / and have sort of supiriority complex, it helps in "satvavajaya variety" of treatment.

now coming to pratishaya - what you want to know?
since its meant for new I would like know varieties of doubts for young generation; I am outof touch after 2000; nearly 16 years.

Yes, it is primary for tretment; i forgot to mention it thanks for the same. If every body does the same we can come to a conclusion fast.
oushadha sevana kala, basically two ahara kala. morning and evening.
Due to use of watch, instead of sun it has shifted to 3 to 4 aahara sevana.
this change in ahara kaala is one which changes according to desha / kaala.
So explaining it generally is difficult; since we are supposed give short answers.                    ...................

............   Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:

Sir, morning, evening okay. How many muhurthas after sunrise is morning annakaala and how many muhurthas before sunset

Is evening annakaalas.

Dr Padmaja Srinivas:

Any ayurveda medicines for renal failure patient…Any suggestions?

Dr.Ganesh kumar:

how many minutes is one muhurta?

Vd Saraswathi Sharma K:


Dr.Ganesh kumar:


aahara kaala explain in the afternoon

I have used leaves of bala "sida cordifolia / spinosa" In one or two cases as aahara in kidney failure, 

But except in north india use of sarshpa taila / RB oil / olive oil can hider treatment.

also avipathi kara tablet along with talisadi and medohara guggulu have controlled further progression.

If lasix is not used then "shatpala odana / yavagu" depending on season can give result.

there is also research matter and folkfore use of bimbi cocinea cordifolia mentioned.

avoid use of tomato and curds totally.


one muhurtha 48 minutes / and per day 30 muhurta. they are not equal in kaala mana. only approx.

Aahara kaala differs in each season. In sadharana desha

from sushruta sutra 46- 470 dallahana 

to person who takes two meals per day it is before 4 hours in the morning and after one hour but before 1 1/2 hour after sunset. 

ie. if sun rise is at 6 Am then before 10 am / sunset at 6pm then it is before arox. 7 to 7.30 PM / 8.30 PM

not before sunset. This is for those who are nagara vasi / gramya vasi. It is different for vana vasi / vrathi etc.

Any way in todays life style It should be before 9.15 Am and 8 Pm aproximate; As there are countries where sun rise is at 4 AM and sunset is 9PM. heavy breakfast / moderate lunch / less dinner before 8 PM

I am adding more head ache 

number of samprapthi of diseases

dosha * dooshya * desha* bala * kaala *prakruti* anala* vaya* satva * satmya * aahara.

can you calculate

hint - vata dosha prakopa in rasa dhatu jangala desha avara bala vasanta rutu heena prakruti vishama agni vrudda in age avara satva rooksha aahara satmya sheeta bhojana. this is one samprapthi. 

so how much you can create?

in case treatment this helps to pin point the treatment.

Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:

Sir minimum combination are 10501974 maximum are infinite. I had taken only 3 doshas *7dushyas*3deshas*3balas*6kalaas*7prakrutis*3agnis*3vayas*3satvas*7satmyas*4aharas. We can't calculate. This is the reason Yukti highlighted in Ayurveda.

Dr.Ganesh kumar:

you left 3 mala in dooshya.

It can be calculated; point of this exercise is to know number of diseases that can be treated in ayurveda; ie Amshamsha kalpana of vyadhi. there is need to have slight supriority so we need to say we have more to learn from our elders than from scientisists . In the lab we can't create fear of exam, tension of travelling in bus, children's health etc.  In the society we can.

Now on this basis try to understand prathishaya.

It is easy give them options

depending on condition and severity repeted or chronic (in these condtion they expect diet advice)

either take vataatapika rasayanas or do diet

if they choose rasayana then "dhatvagni sameekarana rasayana" (my term) with rasa sindoora / sithopaladi / sukumaara yoga.

If diet is selected then check dinacharaya and aahara vidhi aayatana, sadvrutta and correct

if these are corrected then if required then advice pathya apathya in ahara

in today's life pattern home food is less and explaining diet is for only yaapya /repeted/ vyadhi is ok

in acute day today vyadhi's week end party will distroy our one week diet effect.

without rasasindoora etc treatment without pathya is like having bath and dipping in mudyy pond


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