Nov 11, 2016

4 early warning symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

4 early warning symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease  or what we call dementia is a disease of the brain which causes a slow yet steady decline in the memory power, reasoning and thinking ability of an individual. Here are the 4 early warning symptoms:
1. Loss of Memory power affecting the normal daily life of an individual is the most common warning symptom. A person tends to forget information that was just told to him/ her or forgets something that was just read or heard only a while back. The person may ask the same question or information repeatedly.
2. Face difficulty in planning, decision making and solving problems. Individuals face a change or hardship in their ability when it comes to following a systematic approach or plan and even find working with numbers difficult. In such a situation a person may experience trouble follow a recipe that was actually familiar to the person or may even find the task of keeping a record of monthly utility bills challenging and take more than the required amount of time to accomplish regular tasks. They may also face difficulty or hardship when trying to concentrate on something.
3. Find it challenging to accomplish regular home chores, work commitments or even leisure activities. Alzheimer patients usually find it challenging to manage and complete routine tasks. Some individuals may even face trouble in recollecting routes when driving across to familiar locations in the vicinity. Managing and maintaining a monthly budget or even recollecting rules of their favorite game can be rather challenging for such individuals.
4. Are confused with places and timings. These individuals tend to lose track of weekdays, weekends, months, seasons and even normal day to day calendar dates. A person with Alzheimer’s may even fail to recollect the location they have reached to,


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