The word shwasa is derived from the root "shwas" which denotes air and respiration.
Tamaka - it is derived from the root tam means oppression of chest. it has different meanings i.e choke,to be suffocated,to be exhausted ,to be distressed .
Tama Tamayati anena iti tama - here the word tama denotes andhakara ,nisha charma,divantaka,according to halayudha kosha.
NIDANA - Bahya - raja and dhuma
Abhyantara - doshas - kapha and vata
aharaja nidana -Abhishyandi bhojana , apatarpanam ,guru bhojana, sheeta jala pana, vidahi bhojana, vishtambhi bhojana.
vihara sambandhi - Adhvagamana , anila dhuma ,raja ,vega vidharana
Nidanarthakara rogas of tamaka shwasa - amatisara , chardi , pandu.
poorvarupa - anaha , adhmana , shankha toda , Parshwa shoola, hritpeeda, vaktra vairasya
Roopa of tamaka shwasa - ghurghuraka
Shrotas involved in tamaka shwasa - pranavaha , udaka vaha , annavaha
on the basis of pitta dosha tamaka shwasa can be classified in to pratamaka and santamaka.
pratamaka - jwara and moorcha
santamaka - feel darkness around him and sinks in to unconciousness.
The word shwasa is derived from the root "shwas" which denotes air and respiration.
Tamaka - it is derived from the root tam means oppression of chest. it has different meanings i.e choke,to be suffocated,to be exhausted ,to be distressed .
Tama Tamayati anena iti tama - here the word tama denotes andhakara ,nisha charma,divantaka,according to halayudha kosha.
NIDANA - Bahya - raja and dhuma
Abhyantara - doshas - kapha and vata
aharaja nidana -Abhishyandi bhojana , apatarpanam ,guru bhojana, sheeta jala pana, vidahi bhojana, vishtambhi bhojana.
vihara sambandhi - Adhvagamana , anila dhuma ,raja ,vega vidharana
Nidanarthakara rogas of tamaka shwasa - amatisara , chardi , pandu.
poorvarupa - anaha , adhmana , shankha toda , Parshwa shoola, hritpeeda, vaktra vairasya
Roopa of tamaka shwasa - ghurghuraka
Shrotas involved in tamaka shwasa - pranavaha , udaka vaha , annavaha
on the basis of pitta dosha tamaka shwasa can be classified in to pratamaka and santamaka.
pratamaka - jwara and moorcha
santamaka - feel darkness around him and sinks in to unconciousness.
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