If there’s one thing most of us despise, it is exercising. Mainly because you have to do it (since you paid for that gym membership) and it’s boring. What if exercising was fun and instead of dreading it, you actually looked forward to it? Don’t scoff, it happens! Welcome to the world of indoor cycling – and no, it doesn’t mean you stand in the centre of a room and start indoor cycling to lose kilos (wish that worked though).
What is Indoor cycling and why is it fun?
Picture this – a huge gym studio lined with at least thirty exercise bikes. You and your fellow gym mates climb atop each and begin gradually and easily enough. What can you not do without? Music! So there’s some funky energetic music to enthuse you. The lights are slowly dimmed and the music really starts pumping up as everyone cycles together. Are you feeling the collective energy yet? To top it off, there’s an instructor shouting out instructions to buck up or slow down.
Exercising can be really mundane but when you do it in a group, it not only boosts you but you help boost others too. The rush of endorphins from copious sweating, good music and company – what’s not to love?
How old do I need to be for Indoor cycling?
You could be teenager, a middle-aged housewife looking to get a fit body or a 60-yr-old man wanting to be healthier – it doesn’t matter.
What do I need for the session?
A strong will, first and foremost! Apart from your regular workout apparel, just a bottle of water and a hand towel because you will sweat. A lot.
Will it help me lose weight?
Indoor cycling is a form of cardiovascular exercise meant to make you stronger and tone your body. A person weighing 68 kilos can burn upto 500 calories in a 45 minute session. Of course it will help you lose weight but it’s not meant to shed kilos as much as keeping your weight in check.
If you are looking to lose flab, it’s best to combine Indoor cycling with other types of exercise routines.
Indoor cycling helps strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation and increases your body stamina – this will go a long way in cutting your risk for chronic health conditions.
Pros and cons
Apart from the obvious health benefits, indoor cycling can prove to be addictive (which is a good thing!). Beginners who opt for these sessions find them great motivators – some even purchase their own bikes for outdoor cycling.
The cons, though not many, are that it is after all not a real bike, which is a put off for some. So the classes can become monotonous. But that’s it. And it is more than compensated by the energetic atmosphere in the studio!
So, now that you know so much about Indoor cycling as a great form of exercise, go out and enrol yourself for some trial sessions. Cycle your way to fitness!
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