An Effective postpartum rejuvenation care explained before 6,000 years in ancient India’s Ayurvedic medical textbooks.
Whether self and family nurtured during these first months after childbirth, or with the skilled nurturing support of an AyurDoula, Ayurveda offers wonderful guidance for avoiding the all too common colic and postpartum depression, while supporting ample
lactation and rapid rejuvenation. The following timeless tips require minimum effort, but give resounding results.
Eleven Loving Ways to Make Postpartum Easier, Mother & Baby Happier
1 SUPPORT - The best way to nurture your wife is voice your trust for her natural processes, and with what resources you can financially as well as protecting her time to rest and regenerate. With loving support, she'll recover quickly.
2. INVITE – It takes a village to raise a child! Invite a best girlfriend to be your “call- center” and handle the scheduling.
3. LISTS - Create a list of friends and family who would enjoy helping and keep pencil and paper handy for needs with chores, shopping, appointments, child-care, mealpreparation.
4. CHILD'S PLAY - It's important to spend time with older children first, and let them enjoy quality time with their well-rested mother and sibling, too.
5. WARMTH – This is essential; rather than feeding mother iced or raw vegetable foods and drinks, brew warming teas, steam or soup veggies, hot milk, maybe whip cream with honey. Use ample but gentle spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric, dill, basil, fennel and
fenugreek, and (lightly brown-roasted only) garlic to support weak metabolic fires. Try placing a hot water bottle on mother’s tummy or at her and feet; be sure to keep her roomwarm, free of drafts.
6. MOISTURE – Draw a hot bath; make a thermos of fennel-fenugreek tea (1 tsp/2 liters water), steep 5 minutes and drink in preference to much room temperature water (take warm) - also supports lactation, digestion and rejuvenation. Minimize dry fruits & other foods pulling water to digest; cook hot cereals, stew fruits, 3 parts water in the rice, soup-dip those crackers or toast. All support lactation and bodily transitions.
7. OIL - Pass the butter, (no margarine) generously. Quality fats such as clarified butter, sesame, flax and coconut oils are essential hormone and calorie producers for breast milk, and even supporting weight loss!
8. NOURISH – Ayurveda says, “42 Days for 42 Years” is the impact of choices immediately postpartum on health and ability to mother and partner well. Little things can make such a big difference at this time! Please see the articles including “Cooking
for Postpartum Mothers” to share with friends and family.
9. GENTLE TOUCH - Patiently, lovingly provide and/or encourage GENTLE DAILY WARM OIL massage for Mom and Baby. See self massage guidelines and more articles at
10. REFRESH – Fathers can wash off the vibrational influence of the outer world when they get home, and more easily join in the sacred energy and process of his family. Mothers enjoy fresh sweet fruits/juices and simple alternate nostril pranayama. Take meals and snacks 5 times a day, gentle breathing practices and a good nap!
11. REST – Mothers’ nap time is essential, twice a day or more early on. Fathers may want to sleep separately if you need to, and with baby for a couple of nights to give Mom more time to sleep between feedings.
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