Sep 14, 2011



kula : shimbi kula

upakula : aparajita - papilionaceae.

family : leguminaceae.

latin name : abrus- delicate leaves ,precatorius = of prayers = seeds pf this plant are used for making rosaries.
english name : indian licorrice root.

SANAKRIT NAME : gunja,choodamani,raktaphalika,kakanantika,kakadani,kakachinchi,krushnarakitika.

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION : a creeper with many branches. leaves reemble tamirind leaves having 20-40 are pink ,bluish and appear in cluster.legumes are 1.5-3.5 c.m.long contaning red,white and black coloured coloured seeds have black spot on their tips. root and leaves are sweet like that of G.glabra.

it is of varieties -white(seeds of which are used in medicine),red black (roots and leaves of all these 3 varieties are used in medicine).

HABITAT : this creeper grows in india,sri lanka and sayam.

PROPERTIES : seed - GUNA : laghu,ruksha,tikshna:

RASA : tikta,kashaya:

VIPAK : katu,

VEERYA : ushna.

ROOT : madhur and snigdha.

seeds alleviate kapha and vata,leaves and roots alleviate all the three doshas.
seeds ground in a paste are applied over skin disorders, dermatoses,chronic ulcers and alopecia.
paste of the leaves is applied over inflammations and wounds.oil boiled with the leaves is used for massage in vata disorders.nasya of powdered seeds is given in headache.

milk boiled with the leaves is given in hoarseness of voice , impotency,dysuriya and general debility.
powdered seeds in exess dose causes toxic sypmtoms like cardiac arrest ets.juice of tandulja + sugar is an anti dote to the symptoms.seeds are purified by boiling them in kanj or cows milk for 3 hrs.

DOSE : seed powder -0.5 to 1.5 ratti,root powder-0.25 to 0.5 gms

Dosha : kaphavata (seed),tridoshanashak (leaves and roots)

Dhatu : muscles (hoarseness of voice-milk boiled with the leaves),shukra (milk boiled with the leaves -aphrodisiac )

Mala : mutra (dysuria-milk boiled with the leaves ),keshya - enhances hair growth.


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