The cool winter wind might calm your soul but it’s going to leave your hair dry, frizzy and unmanageable. As the season changes, you need to revamp your hair care regime too. So here is a guide to amazing, healthy and manageable hair.
Hair care tips for winter
Oil your hair: In winter, it is chilly outside and dry and warm inside the house; this changing temperature harms your hair. Oil your hair regularly, use warm oil if you are comfortable. It will help to restore the moisture and give life to your lifeless tresses.
It is not necessary to keep the oil on for long hours; one to two hours is enough to do the trick. Do not over use shampoo while you are washing the oil off because it will nullify the conditioning effect.
Wash them right: Even though it is cold do not use very hot water to wash your hair. The heat will steal your moisture. Use lukewarm water. Do not over use the shampoo and use mild shampoo if you wash your hair very frequently.
Never miss conditioning: Rich conditioning can be your shield against the harsh cold. Condition your hair everytime you wash them, it strengthens them and increases the elasticity. If you are opting for readymade conditioner make sure it suits your hair and is right for your hair type. You can also use coconut milk or curd for conditioning your hair. If you have curly hair it is best to use leave-in conditioner in the end.
Let them dry naturally: It is advisable not to use heat to dry your hair in winter. With blow drying you can end up having flyways and static effect. Let them air dry. Your lovely tresses will thank you for letting them be.
Take care if you cover: If you wear woollen cap or scarf to protect yourself against cold, you will experience hair breakage in certain areas on your head. This is because the caps and scarves rub against the delicate hair and pull them out. It is advisable to use satin scarves and to use caps which have cotton or satin lining.
Tame your flyaways
1) Apply some hair serum and move your fingers instead of using a comb. You can also use a clean new toothbrush with soft bristles to tame the flyaways.
2) Apply shampoo to your scalp and not your hair. You need to clean your scalp and flow of shampoo will automatically clean your hair.
3) Flyaway hair is the dry hair so apply a little leave-in conditioner specifically to that layer of hair.
4) It is great to stay away from alcohol. This means alcohol in your hair care products of course. Check the ingredients of the product you buy.
Mask for healthy hair in winter
Mix an egg yolk with two table spoons of olive oil and a glass of lukewarm water. Apply it all over your hair and wash off in an hour. Use lukewarm or cold water to wash it off.
*Do not use hena mask in winters as it dries your hair and can also cause cold.
Love of shampoo, warmth of oil and care of conditioning will give you beautiful hair this winter. So just treat your hair with love, warmth and care and shine on!
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