Aug 22, 2011



Gana : arshoghna, lekhaneeya, (c.) pippalyadi, vachadi, mustadi (s.)

Kula : vatasanabha kula.

Family : ranunculaceae (crow - foot - habitat in swamps of most speecies).

Latin name : acontinum heterophyllum i.e aconite with dissimilar leaves.

Sanskrit name : ativisha (non - poisonous though belonging to poisonous plant family), shuklakanda, 

shishubhaishajya (useful in paediatric diseases), shrungi, virupa, pittavallabha, shwetvacha.

Botanical description : a small plant with height of 1-1.5 mts. with straight bark and flat stems, leaves are 5 to 10 cms in length, egg or heart shaped. lower leaves are big and are divided into five parts whereas upper leaves are small. flowers are blue or green, with inner most layer largest and like a hood. the fruit has two sections, one from the previous year, and one from the current year. transvrse section is white with 4-5 black spots; good quality fruit tapers towards one end. it is 2.5 to 5 cm in length. if the transverse section dose not show 4 - 5 black spots one can assume that it is the adulterated form, not the genuine one.

Varieties : madanvinod has described four varities viz.
3)red and

raj nighantu has described only three varities i.e white, red and actual practice, only white variety  is available.

Habitat : found in himalayas at the height of 2000 to 6000 mtrs.also found in sindh-kumaon mountain ranges.

Properties : laghu guna, tikta rasa,katu vipak,ushna veerya

Karma : tridoshihara,kapha,pitta allviates by biterness & vata -  by ushna veerya.

Internal uses :

Digestive system : it has appetizing , digestive, astringent, antihaemorrhoidal & ushna properties. useful in diarrhoea & dysentery.

Circulatory system : it is a blood purifier, haemostatic and antiinflammotory drug because it alleviates pitta

Respiratory system : reduces phlegm and clears airways

Reproductive system : purifies milk secretion by its katu property.aphrodisiac due to ushna property

Temprature : useful in intermittent fever

Satmikaran : reduces body weight due to ruksha guna, bitter tonic, antidote for poisons.useful in scorpion bite
Indications :

Dosha : mainly useful in kapha & pitta diseases.

Digestive system : useful in dyspepsia, indigestion, amadosha, vomiting, fever with diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, helminthiasis.

     useful in cold & cough and impotency, effective in fevers ,mainly in periodical fevers dose is 2 to 3gms for maleria and acts faster if given along with any fragrant drug.

     also useful in pyrexial debility. it is an antidote for rat poison .

          Specific use :a.heterophyllum used for paediatric diseases(shishudhaishajya)

Part used : tuber

Dose : 0.5 to 2.5 gms used along with tikatu and vacha(achorus calamus)

Formulations : balasanjeevani churna, bala chaturbhadra, ativishadi churna

Side efffects : high dose cause driness of mouth and tremors, vata symptoms, so called as ativisha.

Purification : tubers heated with cow dung & dried in sun

Adulteration :rootstalks of asparagus racemous

Srotogamitva : tridosha

dhatu : rasegni(digestion,) stanyagami, purifies lacttion

Mala : purisha gami : 


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