31 August 2010- Not gaining weight is also a problem like losing weight. As per ayurveda the weight of the body should be in a balanced proportion with strong immune system. If you are working on the ayurveda weight gain then it should be properly distributed all across your body. Gaining weight in just one part of the body like waist, stomach etc is also the problem.
As per ayurveda people with Vata dosha have thin body type They are restless, energetic and high metabolism rate. Because of this reason they are very thin with less muscle development. They also have the protruding joints with cracking noises. People with vata dosha also have thin and dry skin with visible veins.
Why Normal Weight is Important?
- • Normal weight is important for proper immune system.
- • It will reduce the joint and bone problems.
- • No anemia.
- • Low weight people will have greater tendency for vattika disease.
Causes of Underweight
Ayurveda considers everything from the body type and kind of food you are eating to find out the specific problem.Less Calorie Intake
Your body needs specific amount of calorie intake. If you are consuming less calorie than the required amount then you will face the problem of underweight. Inadequate calorie intake will lead to the problems of respiratory disorders, typhoid fever, cancer and circulatory disorders.Bad Eating Habits
Bad eating habits also lead to underweight problems. Also if the metabolic rate is high then you will face this problem. Inadequate amount of meal and too much of bodily activity also causes weight loss.Metabolic Disturbances
You may have overactive thyroid, hereditary tendencies, or any other chronic disease leading to metabolic disturbances. These can also be cause of weight loss or underweight problem.Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Gain
- • Increase the intake of dairy products like milk and cheese. But do not over eat anything as it will have other harmful affects of high blood pressure and all
- • Eat food rich in ghee and butter.
- • Take afternoon sleep.
- • Try having the herbs like ashwagandha, shatavari, aamlaki rtc. According to ayurveda these are good for undernourished people.
- • Keep your mind healthy and stay away from stress.
- • Eat 30 gm of raisins daily.
- • Eat muskmelon three times a day continuously for 40 days. For the first three days eat only three kilograms of muskmelon that should be increased by 1 Kg after that to subside the hunger. Try to have fresh and sweet fruit. But eat it in the season only.
- • Start taking Chyavanprash that is a one extensive herbal tonic. It increases the immune system and age.
Home Remedies for Weight Gain
- • Eat banana three time a day followed by milk of curd. You can also make the banana shake in milk to gain weight.
- • Eat lots of fruit with milk.
- • Take milk and boil it with almonds, anjeer and date palm. It will hep you in gaining weight.
- • In summers you can drink mango shake in milk daily to gain weight. Also instead of this consume mango and drink milk after this. Mangoes contain too much sugar but without any protein. But milk on the other hand lots of protein and without sugar. So the combination of both will compliment each other.
- • In case you are very thing eat figs that are excellent for weight gain. Take the dry figs and soak these in water. Take these twice a day.
- • Certain nutrients have powerful effect on your nervous system making it calmer. Calmer the mind more will be the weight. The best nutrients for this are vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6. For Vitamin D drink milk and take sun rays. Milk is again a great source of calcium along with yoghurt. Green leafy vegetables are good source of magnesium.
- • Do not consume products that are made from white flour and sugar as these may harm your body adversely.
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