Dark Circles
•Have enough sleep daily.
•Have enough sleep daily.

1. Apply coconut oil daily around the eyes and massage gently before going to bed.
2. Apply a paste of lemon juice, tomato puree, orange lentil flour (masoor dal ) and turmeric powder (if you are not allergic to it) on under eye dark circles. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off.
3. Apply crushed mint around the eye.
4. Drink tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt.
5. Take glass full of milk and 1 boiled egg daily.
6. Application of cream with vitamin E and C also helps in reducing the dark circles.
7.Dark Circles can be removed by applying peeled and grated potato overnight at least three times a week.
8 •Grind almonds to powder and store it in a bottle. Make a paste with milk and apply around your eye every morning. Let it dry and wash with cold water.
9•Take a pad of absorbent cotton soaked in warm tea and gently dab around your eyes.
10.Make cotton pads and dip them in cucumber juice. Place on your eyes for 15 minutes. The effect is cooling and relaxes your eyes.
11.Massaging eyes with almond oil is of great help. Massage at bed time daily, and in two weeks you will see the difference.
Note : Drink lots and lots of water and other forms of liquids in the form of juice, etc. Drinking good amount of water is beneficial for many skin ailments and also helps in lightening the dark circles under the eyes.
Eyelid Swelling
1. Take Lotus seeds paste them with rose water and apply near affected area.
Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes
Your eyes are an important part of your health. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy and make sure you are seeing your best. Follow these simple steps for maintaining healthy eyes well into your golden years.
Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam. You might think your vision is fine or that your eyes are healthy, but visiting your eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the only way to really be sure. When it comes to common vision problems, some people don’t realize they could see better with glasses or contact lenses. In addition, many common eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and age-related macular degeneration often have no warning signs. A dilated eye exam is the only way to detect these diseases in their early stages.
During a comprehensive dilated eye exam, your eye care professional places drops in your eyes to dilate, or widen, the pupil to allow more light to enter the eye the same way an open door lets more light into a dark room. This enables your eye care professional to get a good look at the back of the eyes and examine them for any signs of damage or disease. Your eye care professional is the only one who can
determine if your eyes are healthy and if you are seeing your best.
Know your family’s eye health history. Talk to your family members about their eye health history. It’s important to know if anyone has been diagnosed with a disease or condition since many are hereditary. This will help to determine if you are at higher risk for developing an eye disease or condition.
Eat right to protect your sight. You’ve heard carrots are good for your eyes. But eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, or collard greens is important for keeping your eyes healthy, too.1 Research has also shown there are eye health benefits from eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut.
Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic conditions, which can lead to vision loss, such as diabetic eye disease or glaucoma. If you are having trouble maintaining a healthy weight, talk to your doctor.
Wear protective eyewear. Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities around the home. Protective eyewear includes safety glasses and goggles, safety shields, and eye guards specially designed to provide the correct protection for a certain activity. Most protective eyewear lenses are made of polycarbonate, which is 10 times stronger than other plastics. Many eye care providers sell protective eyewear, as do some sporting goods stores.
Smoking is as bad for your
eyes as it is for the rest of your
body. Research has linked
smoking to an increased risk
macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve
damage, all of which can lead to blindness.2,3
Be cool and wear your shades. Sunglasses are a
great fashion accessory, but their most important
job is to protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet
rays. When purchasing sunglasses, look for ones that
block out 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B
Give your eyes a rest. If you spend a lot of time
at the computer or focusing on any one thing, you
sometimes forget to blink and your eyes can get
fatigued. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes,
seconds. This can help reduce eyestrain.
Clean your hands and your
contact lenses—properly. To
avoid the risk of infection, always
wash your hands thoroughly
before putting in or taking
out your contact lenses. Make sure to disinfect
contact lenses as instructed and replace them as
Practice workplace eye safety. Employers are
required to provide a safe work environment. When
times and encourage your coworkers to do the same.
For more information about eye health, visit
1 Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. The relationship of dietary carotenoid with vitamin A, E, and C intake with age-related macular degeneration in a case-control study.
Archives of Ophthalmology; 2007; 125(9): 1225–1232.
2 Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. Risk factors associated with age-related nuclear and cortical cataract. Ophthalmology; 2001; 108(8): 1400–1408.
3 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General. The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General (Washington, D.C., 2004).
Tips for Finding an Eye Care Professional
Sometimes it can be difficult to choose a healthcare provider. It’s important to find someone you have
good communication with, especially when it comes to your eye health. Here are a few tips for finding
a local professional to provide your eye care:
Ask family members and friends about eye care professionals they use.
Ask your family doctor for the name of a local eye care specialist.
Call the department of ophthalmology or optometry at a nearby hospital or university medical
Contact a state or county association of ophthalmologists or optometrists. These groups, usually
called academies or societies, may have lists of eye care professionals with specific information
on specialty and experience.
Contact your insurance company or health plan to learn whether it has a list of eye care
professionals that are covered under your plan.
Visit a local bookstore or library for journals and books about selecting a physician and medical
treatment. A library reference specialist can help you identify books on finding healthcare
Visit http://www.nei.nih.gov/healthyeyes/findprofessional.asp for additional recommendations
and resources.
Healthy Eyes Start With a Dilated Eye Exam
Getting a comprehensive dilated eye exam is one of the best things you can do to keep your eyes healthy.
In this painless procedure, an eye care professional examines your eyes to look for common vision problems
and eye diseases, many of which have no early warning signs.
Different from the basic eye exam one has to get glasses or contact lenses, comprehensive dilated eye
exams can help protect your sight by making sure you are seeing your best and detecting eye diseases in
their early stages, before vision loss has occurred.
A comprehensive dilated eye exam includes the following:
Dilation—drops are placed in your eyes to dilate, or widen, the pupils. Your eye care professional uses
a special magnifying lens to examine your retina to look for signs of damage and other eye problems,
such as diabetic retinopathy or age-related macular degeneration. A dilated eye exam also allows your
doctor to check for damage to the optic nerve that occurs when a person has glaucoma. After the
examination, your close-up vision may remain blurred for several hours.
Tonometry—this test helps to detect glaucoma by measuring eye pressure. Your eye care professional
may direct a quick puff of air onto the eye, or gently apply a pressure-sensitive tip near or against the
eye. Numbing drops may be applied to your eye for this test. Elevated pressure is a possible sign of
Visual field test—this test measures your side (peripheral) vision. It helps your eye care professional
find out if you have lost side vision, a sign of glaucoma.
Visual acuity test—this eye chart test measures how well you see at various distances.
To learn more about comprehensive dilated eye exams, common vision problems, and eye disease,
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